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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Not another weekend

Statements that “We should not see another weekend without RV” is promising.  Focus on God’s all-sustaining essence, and experience the calming influence of faith.  Rest in a state of quiet expectancy. Transform your fear-based emotions into faith-filled realities.  Complete prayer time with fortified faith in a divine outcome!!!!    THE GATEKEEPER

Thanks to Felecia and Debra for the following:
I want to encourage you today, if you have been through a storm - if it is hard to imagine the things you once imagined - ask God to restore your faith - to restore your imagination.  To bring you to a place of child-like faith so that you can imagine anything.   Don't allow the disappointments of your past to affect your future.  Determine today that you are going to once again know and trust the God of the impossible as he is going to bring the desires of our hearts to pass.

Here is a link to the prayer call last night -  33 people have emailed who made a decision for Christ and wanted the prayer declaration.  Praise GOD thats what its all about.....

2-28-2012  Guru BellaGrits   We have had several phones calls today that all lead to the same conclusion, and we would like to relay the facts as it stands in re to the IRAQI REVALUATION of the DINAR: Firstly, we have been told the Global Settlements and Prosperity Packages are processing as scheduled.  Secondly, the IMF appears to be completely satisfied; destruction attempts were completely thwarted. Thirdly, although lower denoms are now visible, it is not proven they are being circulated by the merchants. Lastly, we have been told every attempt will be made to have the RV "posted" and "visible" to the CBI/FOREX/BANKS...we hope that our next posting will be the visible rate.


2-27-2012  Guru BWM   today has brought some amazing news in regards to what we EXPECTED...but like so many times before something has prevented what we thought we'd see come to complete many contacts today shared news of events that they truly realized just how close we are...but as of yet we do not have an I believe there is still a chance it could happen at the cbi update tonight...well yes, I do...again, the information today was excellent so we wait and see what happens...I still believe that now thru thursday offer opportunities for this to happen

2-27-2012  Guru DinarWishes hearing great things for the windows for the RV.  Im hearing Wednesday and Thursday are Great windows because of the Banks alignment and timming for the New week and Holy day...Im not saying that is when it is gonna happen...Im saying I am hearing that.


12:21 AM [BWM] do I believe there is still a chance it could happen at the cbi update tonight... well yes, I do... again, the information today was excellent so we wait and see what happens...

I still believe that now thru thursday offer opportunities for this to happen...and after that, well we'll evaluate as the week progresses... hopefully that is not an issue

12:29 AM [BWM] If you don't know that the RV has occurred with 2 minutes of the RV A) you live way out in the boondocks
B) your "friends" don't like you
C) your phone isn't very "smart" or
D) you need this RV more than anyone to cut the phone and internet back on at the house... or in my case sometimes ALL OF THE ABOVE

12:31 AM [Asells] GQ37 GQ37 WINDOWS TO look for... 1 - when FOREX Opens up.... 2- When CBI OPENs 2-4am... 3- When banks open....

Those are windows I will be looking at.... but still not giving up hope!!

12:34 AM [BWM] kb123 is says the "first of March" not exactly a date... but again a range.. so guessing within the first 10 days at worst and the rv is supposed to be implemented approx a week prior from my understanding... so we are working backwards off a date we don't know when to pin on the calendar

12:35 AM [BWM] angel08 and the banks get their rate from the you know who and the you know who get it from the you know where and the you know where doesn't have to tell anyone inside of you know what now do they.... clear?

12:36 AM [cwg] BWM perfect

12:36 AM [BWM] superbiz01 the RATE is in the 2012.. the RV was in Last year's budget.. which is not completely open by the way either..

2:37 AM [BWM] artle01 I don't worry about the rate... I HAVE PLANNED FOR THE CRAZY RATES IN CASE.... but my GOAL was $3 and I am very comfortable that is gonna be the minimum so everything else is just free stuff from walmart...

2:38 AM [wirelessty] BWM Funny how things change ... most of us got in for $3

12:38 AM [BWM] AZhombre listening and looking is learning... learning is understanding... confusion is the fun part of the conversation. 


Because you will see the invisible, you will do the impossible...
Because you will touch the intangible you will achieve the incredible....
Because you will hear the inaudible, you will have the unimaginable....

Because of you, your family will not know Poverty you will go in and out of your house in peace...

Violence and crying of sorrow shall not be heard in your camp...

Because you are God's Idea and God cannot fail, you shall not fail …….

Favor shall overwhelm your endeavors
You shall not struggle to be recognized...

Your gift shall announce you...

You are entitled to daily fruitfulness...

Every darkness in your life shall give way to the light of God...

All your lack will give way to abundance...

The rejected shall become the selected...

People shall hear your testimonies and follow you to God...

In everything you do, you will succeed...

You will look back with joy; and ahead with great expectations

You will take charge of your life as you master your time...

You will discover how to maximize your time and add value to it...

You will become the star of your family
and the hope of your generation...

Because you know where you are going, the whole world will step aside and follow you...

May you find favor with God and men...

May you grow in wisdom and stature...

May you walk in dominion over every circumstance and situation...

Throughout the year, never forget to:

Act as if it were impossible to fail..
Because for people like you and me,
the word failure does not exist...
Your success is non-negotiable...

This will be the greatest year of your life and the beginning of unprecedented success in your life!

Those who laughed at you before shall come to laugh with you...

However bad it has been with you till this point, you shall from henceforth enter into the rest and;

God shall take you to the place of your
greatness and destiny.

You shall have visions that are clear,
virtues that are right and victory that is certain...

You are blessed beyond curse, raised above terror and established beyond oppression...

You shall not lack counsel and ideas...

You shall have eyes that see, ears that hear and a heart that understands...

In place of breakdown you shall have
breakthrough; In confusion, you shall be enlightened; and in weakness, you shall be strengthened...

There shall be for you beauty in place of ashes, the oil of gladness in place of spirit of heaviness...

Every closed door against your goodness, greatness and destiny shall open of their own accord...

You shall be instructed and illuminated within by the Spirit of God.
You shall do the right thing at the right time...
You shall rise above every obstacle and be carried on the wings of eagle...
God will remember you for good...

You shall fulfill and not frustrate destiny...

Over 81 resignations from Gov. and Banks this week:
Government Arrests (1)
02/24/12 (USA) U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Arrested & Released (Benjamin Fulford)
(Unconfirmed by the Mainstream Media)
Government Resignations (3)
02/27/12 (AUSTRALIA) Mark Arbib has resigned from the ministry and the Senate (Sydney Hearld)
02/06/12 (ROMANIA) Prime Minister (Emil Boc) and Cabinet Resign En Masse (The Gaurdian)
02/20/12 (GERMANY) President Christian Ruff Resigns (Daily Mail)
Resignations from World Banks (40)
02/27/12 (CHINA) Global head of ECM at Bank of China International has resigned (Reuters)
09/25/11 (SWITZERLAND) Bank chief resigns over £1.5 bllion rogue trader crisis (Daily Mail)
10/29/11 (CHINA) Resignations Suggest Shift for China's Banks (WSJ)
11/01/12 (INDIA) More directors of the Beed district bank resign (News Coop)
11/21/11 (JAPAN) UBS's Japan Investment Banking Chairman Matsui to Resign (Bloomberg)
11/29/11 (Iran) Iran's Bank Melli CEO Resigns Over Loan Scam (Daily Motion)
12/15/11 (UK) Senior private banker resigns from Coutts [a very exclusive private bank] (Reuters)
12/22/11 (FRANCE) Societe Generale’s Investment Banking Chief Steps Down (NY Times)
12/23/11 (USA) Bank feud: Chairman Giles quits VNB with other directors (The Hook)
01/05/12 (UK) Chief executive of Saunderson House [Private Bank] steps down (FT Advisor)
01/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) Switzerland's central bank chief resigns (Aljazeera)
01/12/12 (UK) Lloyds' head of wholesale quits (Banking Times)
01/19/12 (SPAIN) Spanish bank Santander's Americas chief quits (Expatia)
01/30/12 (UK) Head Of UK Private Bank Steps Down [Butterfield Private Bank] (Wealth Briefing)
01/20/12 (JAPAN) Normura's head of wholesale banking quits (Euro Money)
01/29/12 (NEW ZEALAND) Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard to Step Down (Bloomberg)
01/21/12 (GREECE) Banks' top negotiator quits Greece, but talks go on (France 24)
02/02/12 (VENEZUELA) Key Chavez Minister Resigns Amid Banking Corruption Fallout (LAHT)
2/05/12 (USA) Two Top Morgan Stanley Bankers Resign (Stockbroker Fraud)
02/06/12 (INDIA) Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits (Live Mint)
02/07/12 (INDIA) Falguni Nayar quits Kotak Mahindra Bank (Economic Times)
02/07/12 (IRAN) Iran denies central bank resignation rumor (Yahoo Finance)
(21) 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Four Priests Charged In Vatican Banking Scandal
(22) 2/10/12 (KOREA) Korea Exchange Bank chief steps down
(23) 2/10/12 (INDIA) Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO resigns
(24) 2/13/12 (KUWAIT) Kuwait Central Bank CEO resigns
(25) 2/14/12 (NICARAQUA) Nicaraqua Central Bank Pres Rosales resigns

(26) 2/14/12 (UNITED KINGDOM) Social finance pioneer Hayday steps down from Charity Bank
(27) 2/15/12 World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns
Did the White House tell the World Bank president that he's out?
(28) 2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Slovenia TWO largest Banks CEO's (2) resign
(29) 2/15/12 (KENYA) Governor of Kenyan Central Bank to Resign
(30) 2/16/12 (GHANA) Ken Ofori-Atta steps down as Executive Chair of Databank Group
(31) 2/16/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Saudi Hollandi Banks Managing Director Quits

(32) 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Anz Bank CFO Australia resigns
(33) 2/16/12 (UNITED KINGDOM) Royal Bank of Scotland Bankers Arrested
(34) 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Royal Bank of Scotland Austrailan CEO Stephen Williams resigns
(35) 2/17/12 (USA) Blankfein out as Goldman Sachs CEO by summer
(36) 2/17/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Council President To Leave Central Bank
(37) 2/18/12 (PAKISTAN) AJK Bank?s executive steps down
(38) 2/20/12 (RUSSIA) Head of Russian Bank Regulator Steps Down
(39) 2/20/12 (SWITZERLAND) Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns
(40) 2/20/12 (USA) R. David Land Submits Resignation from the Boards of Directors of Peoples Bancorporation, Inc. and Seneca National Bank
2/15/12 (UNITED KINGDOM) Hedge fund boss whose explosive emails finally caught up with him

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 7:01 AM
Subject: Fwd: Obama Passed AMNESTY Act for ILLEGALS Last Friday

What else will he enact with his "executive order"? This is Frightening!
Obama Passes Amnesty by Executive Order
Written by Gil Guignat, Border & Immigration,
Breaking News...
Last Friday, with no fanfare, no press coverage, and with every effort made to hide his actions from the American people, President Obama enacted the DREAM Act by executive order. Opposed by a majority of the American people and twice defeated in Congress, the DREAM Act grants amnesty to any illegal alien residing in the United States if he/she agrees to enlist in the U.S. Military or enter college. The Obama administration memo from the John Morton, Director of I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) directs I.C.E. Agents now to use "prosecutorial discretion" with regard to enforcing immigration laws. Director Morton says that Obama Administration policy directs border patrol agents not to enforce immigration laws: "When ICE favorably exercises prosecutorial discretion, it essentially decides not to assert the full scope of the enforcement authority available to the agency."
You read that right. According to the Obama administration "favorable” enforcement means NOT enforcing the law!

According to one of the first press reports to break this important story, the new Obama policy is cut and dry: "federal immigration officials do not have to deport illegal aliens if they are enrolled in any type of education program, if their family members have volunteered for U.S. Military service, or even if they are pregnant or nursing."

Just recently Obama's Department of Justice (DOJ) blocked Arizona from enforcing its voter ID law. Arizona is the largest portal of illegal immigration in the nation with half a million illegal aliens coming through the state annually. Arizona’s Attorney General Tom Horne recently stated that he believed that blocking of the law facilitated massive voter fraud by illegal aliens.

Attorney General Tom Horne accused the Obama administration Tuesday of trying to thwart Arizona's voter-ID laws in a bid to get more illegal immigrants to the polls - presumably to cast ballots for the president and Democrats. Horne acknowledged that a brief filed by the Department of Justice in a case to be heard next month by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals centers around the agency's argument that Arizona's law requiring proof of citizenship to register is pre-empted by federal law. But Horne, a Republican, told Capitol Media Services he sees something more sinister.  First we have amnesty passed by executive order then we have President Obama 's DOJ blocking voter ID in Arizona . What could possibly be the president's motive? ...Do you think it could be the 2012 presidential election?

4 Kan, 17 Zac, 8 Manik 
Dratzo! We return! The ultimatums, and the pressures resulting from them, have forced the resignations of many in the lower levels of the dark cabal. This marks the beginning of the denouement which will bring out into the open all that we have been working toward and telling you about in these updates. The power spheres of this cabal are to be broken! The initial thrust is presently toppling bankers and will continue with the resignations, shortly, of major governments. The secret sacred societies' vast resources, both spiritual and physical, are being unleashed and we expect the present flurry of low-level resignations to escalate, as the domino-effect of the takedown moves ever higher through the vast hierarchical web that is the dark cabal. We intend to oversee this exciting phase of the operation and assist our allies in whatever way they feel is most appropriate to their cause. To this end we have assigned various liaison teams to them and these will assure the dark ones that there is no way out of their predicament except through their mass resignation.

    The rise of new governance paves the way for the new economic system and of course, disclosure. These new common-law governments have an immense task before them, starting with securing your freedom and reestablishing your natural sovereignty. Next comes ending the vast and highly illegal system of debt which has inadvertently brought down the present economic system. This will kick-start the redistribution of wealth to create universal prosperity. Here the goal is to create a monetary system that soon becomes obsolete, as fully conscious Beings do not require banks or money in order to meet their needs. As you grow in consciousness, you come to see the Earth not as a resource but as a living Being who has graciously permitted you to reside upon her. In turn, you gladly accept the responsibility of sustaining her. This sacred covenant lies at the core of galactic society: to sustain our home world while at the same time creating a society that honors and sustains each one of us.

    Our sacred purpose is to unfold the divine plan throughout physicality. You have been allowed, by divine dispensation, to take a temporary turn through the realms of limited consciousness. This placed you at the mercy of the dark and its earthly minions, but now the divine right time to transform this onerous situation has arrived. You have absorbed great wisdom during this trek and can now employ this knowledge to assist others who dearly wish to transform themselves as you are doing now. Your Agarthan cousins rejoice at the fact that this long-awaited union is close. This next step toward your new star-nation is to happen after you are fully conscious. Until then, relax, and participate in the preparations for your metamorphosis into your natural state of full consciousness. We look forward to teaching you about this and introducing you to a quite different history, not only of your time on Gaia but also about your origins as humans, which occurred long ago on a planet in the Vegan solar system.
The history of Galactic Humans is tied closely to the fortunes of a species of land cetaceans that resided on your world some eight million years ago. When their civilization was destroyed, they took to the seas and became the whales and dolphins that you know today. In so doing, these cetaceans became the guardians of Gaia. However, each cetacean asked the local Spiritual Hierarchy for a suitable land guardian. This quest, after a two-million-year search, bore fruit in the guise of an aquatic primate nearing full consciousness on the third planet in the Vega system. Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy and representatives from the cetaceans saw in this species a true future land guardian for Mother Earth. Thus, some three million years later, and after the Earth had been ravaged by the dark Anchara Alliance, the now-human colonists of Lemuria arrived on Earth. The desires of the cetaceans for a land guardian had been met and your return to guardianship fulfills this ancient prophecy!

Namaste! Blessings to all! Your Ascended Masters return. Our divine associates are finishing up the details that remain before the prosperity funds can be distributed. The dark has signed off on a series of agreements that acknowledge that their hold on the governments of Mother Earth is over. Further, these ones have also agreed to permit a new economic system to be adopted worldwide. This new economic system will be announced formally by the new governments which our space cousins are helping to bring into being. This gives us great joy! The freedom we have worked toward for millennia is, at long last, to be manifested on our world. As part of this process in the coming weeks, important arrests will be made which are indicators of the change that is overtaking this reality. An epoch of prosperity, freedom, and sovereignty is coming into being for all to see!
As we move toward the mass arrests promised to you, a great many documents will be revealed which demonstrate just how corrupt and arrogant this dark cabal is. Spirit is moving across your globe, shining the Light of revelation into all the dark crevasses where droves of misdeeds are recorded which provide testimony of massive illegality. These documents have been seized and, along with a mountain of similar evidence, will be used to produce the warrants that will take down the dark-oriented governments and the politicians who so obligingly supported their wayward policies. The real agendas contained in these policies will now be exposed and much-needed course corrections imposed by our associates. A number of deadlines are in effect. Once these dates are reached, the arrests and many shocking charges will commence.

    This new day dawning will bring announcements not only of debt forgiveness and a new prosperity but also of the existence of your Inner Earth and space cousins. We are all, in fact, 'aliens' to this world, who came in peace and divine service to Gaia nearly a million years ago. At first we experienced a 'Heaven on Earth' and later, near the end of Atlantis, we began our long sojourn through the dark realms. We of Spirit have held the Light for all these millennia, and now are to be redeemed by the Light and returned in joy to the realms of the Light. This process is a great undertaking which we, as one, have taken with the divine grace of the Creator. Now we come to the point where our 'Labors of Hercules' are to be fully rewarded! Rejoice in these Blessings and know deep within you what a grand future is before you!

    Today, we continued our weekly missives about Spirit, the Light, and our return to full consciousness. We are, together, defeating the dark and turning you back into fully conscious Beings. All of us in the Galactic Federation bless you for your patience and for your help in making this divine moment manifest. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.

Wishes are for you and  yours for enjoyment of this beautiful week of accomplishments.  Much was reported  about “calling the RV”.  When we walk to the bank window and cash-in, will post here.  Until then, God Bless you and give comfort to one another.         THE GATEKEEPER


4:38 PM [BellaGrits] As the days and weeks pass and the hysteria of getting the RV complete passes, and you’re living worry free will you please remember to tell the story-- the whole story?

Will you remember to tell the story of our nation’s sacred treasure-- the young soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who gave their lives in Iraq?

Will you remember to tell them of the thousands of Iraqis who paid the ultimate price for this blessing to eventually be brought to us?

Will you remember to tell them how our allies were there with us and other people in other lands were blessed as well?
Read More Link On Right
4:39 PM [BellaGrits] When the RV of the Iraqi Dinar is released into the world, our lives will forever change, as well as those of the Iraqis.

We will have the opportunity to become wise stewards of this prosperity-- to guarantee our standard of living and those of future generations.

We will have the opportunity to live beyond the worries of making ends meat every month and live in the mental, emotional and spiritual freedom of financial abundance.

4:39 PM [BellaGrits] Will you remember to help others in honor of the fallen heroes of our land?

Will you remember to live more life in your days in honor of those who gave their life for the Iraqi people to live free?

Will you remember to bless strangers who are struggling as the “strangers” in Iraq were blessed by us, and now we by them? Will you remember, please….to tell the whole story? Please…

2-27-2012 Gurus Okie_Oil_Man/Bulldog75 the rates are hot and live but not on teller screens. One cannot cash out til that occurs, period...WE ARE SIMPLY WAITING ON THE BANKS TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE RATES.
2-27-2012 Guru DinarWishes I hope everyone is well rested and ready for the week ahead!!! Just got off the phone with the Bank and the Screens are ready and waiting.... We are so close!!! Im expecting Great things this week!!!! I would be even happier with Today!!!





Read more:

[8:46:10 PM] Stealth:  THE FOLLOWING IS AN OPINION PIECE I FOLLOW EVERY WEEK, THAT SOME GIVE MUCH CREDIT TO HIM KNOWING WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT, WHO KNOW?:    Yes, it's high time we went, much work to get done out here. Credit must go to those due it. The rvs got done and are currently checking the 'system' repetitively to make sure these computers are 'talking' to each other. A problem that had to get rectified a couple of days ago. It's All new folks and once you fire it all up and start paying people, oops, is not a good answer. The clean up has already started and you're learning more about that day to day. This banker resigning, that banker quitting, this high muckty muck arrested, some folks that aren't even listed yet. They are cutting off the escape the bad guys no room to move. Even doing 'hacks' themselves to check for weaknesses and open doors to anyone prowling around looking for a way in, so they can steal. Gates left a lot of ways (ports) 'in' with his software, they'll shut them down. A few things were explained to mr Gates during his trips to china, 'it'll be a new world mr gates'. The Nwo will not be running the world, get used to it. It's called freedom and not the drivel coming out of politicians mouths.
 Things will show publicly when they are satisfied the system is solid. There are many platforms by which things get funded, so the job is huge. It covers the entire world, even that little piddly bank in Silt, Colorado. If know anything about cockroaches you know how comprehensive you must be to exterminate them from your dwelling. This is bigger than just one house. When you 'see' the rvs know that they are satisfied and then the world flips on it's head. So, hold your powder. It's known of the emotional involvement people have in all this being done, but don't jump until you see the 'whites of their eyes'. The internet is much like cb radios, people talk crap from the safety of being only a disembodied voice but remaining invisible. Don't believe everything you hear. The world is right at the gate so, it's time to be 'cool' and let things be done, so they are 'right'. You don't want to cross rivers when they are at flood stage and there's a whole lot of 'melting' going on right now.
 I don't have much to say, they are busy up in the rafters which has all the workers busy and paying attention to their orders, which means they have got socks stuck in a lot of people's mouths as they wrap all these years up. Learn to respect on another, you never know who'll you'll be meeting that could represent opportunity to you. Be aware but not paranoid, going to have to start using more of your senses now. God didn't make junk!!! The master implied that 2000 years that. Just because you've been told you're just a 'sinner' understand, that just means you've missed the mark. That can be rectified when you get ALL the information not the spoon fed stuff you may get from the pulpit. The dark side was always devoted to keeping you 'stupid' so they could use you to stay in power. Have you noticed, Reagan couldn't even get elected with this bunch moderate..common sense folks need apply. We are not going backwards the bridge back to the past century of ideas has been blown up. Not going back, wouldn't be 'prudent' is what I want to tell someone who's been in the background pushing to take the whole world back. Time is up, we're flipping the afterburners on. Number 1...engage.
Ok folks, THIS IS DEBBIE's opinion only about the alleged hold up of this RV - 

LESSON FOR LIFE: Folks this is a clear clear clear cut example of God's PERMISSIBLE Will vs. His PERFECT Will... Again with our Father GOD (not any man nor Gov entity) being in total control of this wealth part, IF HE HAD ALLOWED this Dinar to RV prior to now from all our kicking and screaming, it would have been His PERMISSIBLE will - God loves us so much He will answer our prayers before His time as we get so desparate, THEN we have to accept LESS of what HE wanted=permissible will.....get it?  GOOD me too!  THEREFORE, I do not feel we will see this RV have legal tender for our cash out permissions until all banks are open world wide on a concurrent business day with this new "reported" rate increase = GOD'S PERFECT WILL - AMEN?  AMEN!!!  We know we are in the "second" now and it feels so good, you should be so pumped and ready - my heart is singing 24/7 as no matter what prayer delays we go though in life or in this RV endeavor, for if we wait in Faith during the delays GOD's PERFECT WILL surely will be the complete best for us amen?  NOTHING LESS THAN HIS BEST AMEN!

Tidbits on what Deb suggests you do during this "RV eve" actions:

1- check your email OFTEN for updates from DEB - when this RV does happen and you are not a part of a dinarland forum I will send out info about the official RV once I have the official confirmation its LIVE - (texting is so hard and takes too long)

2- I will send a 2nd email if necessary with the BANK RATE and Bank PERK packages from 3s

3- From there you will need to FIND the nearest MAJOR bank that is going to authenticate your dinar ON SITE in front of you at exchange time - STRONGLY suggest do NOT let your dinar our of your site till the funds are in your checking account.

4- Come home and PRAISE HIM and believe for HIS WISE plan for your continued destiny to unfold.

Kim Clement - January 3rd, 2012, Prophetic word: Kings will fall overnight. This shall happen throughout the east, middle east, and even in the West. God says enough of corruption period.
[1:45:25 AM] tdv75098: February shall be the month that I bless my people, I bless, bless, bless, bless. It shall come from the East.

Breaking News! Documents Reveal US Fed Reserve & Timothy Geithner Engaging in Criminal Activities

2012-01-24 Soros Arrest Warrent Issued by Putin by Tom Heneghan

Bloomberg: Citigroup Private Bank’s Co-Head of Global Real Estate Resigns
Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) — Kwang Meng Quek, co-head of the global real estate group at Citigroup Inc.’s private banking unit, resigned.



He conquers who endures -- Persius

I feel that most of you reading this not only know the  meaning of endurance and perseverance but know it first hand by being tested through the investment --

 Moses did not  give up - Columbus did not give up -  Lewis & Clarke did not give up - The Wright  brothers did not give up -- Thomas  Edison  did not give up - It was Napoleon who said -  "Victory belongs  to the most persevering" --

Great strides are made by Pressing Down - Pressing Through - and  Pressing On !!

I trust you will read these wonderful quotes from some very brave  and persistent  people from our past -- Their lives and their quotes are an inspiration for me to keep pressing !! I hope they  will be  encouraging  and  inspiring to you as well -

ENDURANCE -- Not in the achievement, but in the  endurance of the human soul, does it show its divine grandeur, and it alliance with the infinite God -- E H Chapin

The greater the  difficulty - the more glory in surmounting it -- Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and  tempests -- Epicurus

Hard pounding - gentlemen;  but we will see who can pound the longest -- Wellington at  Waterloo

Victory belongs to the  most persevering -- Napoleon

The  divine insanity of noble minds - that  never falters nor abates - but  labors - endures - and waits - till all that it  foresees it finds - or what it cannot find - creates -- Longfellow

The palm tree grows best beneath a ponderous weight - and even so the character of man -- The petty pangs of small daily cares have often bent the character of men - but great misfortunes seldom -- Kossuth

There is nothing in the  world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear  unhappiness with courage -- Seneca

Our strength often increases in proportion to the obstacles imposed upon it -- It is thus we enter upon the most perilous plans after having had the shame of failing in more simple ones -- Rapin

The  difference  between perseverance and  obstinacy is -- that one  often comes from a strong will  and the  other from a strong won't -- H W Beecher

Much rain wears  the marble --Shakespeare

See first that the design is wise and just -- that ascertained -- pursue it resolutely - do not for one repulse forego the purpose that you resolved to effect -- Shakespeare

By bravely enduring - an evil which cannot be avoided is  overcome -- Old Proverb

Every man who observes vigilantly and resolves steadfastly - grows unconsciously into genius -- Bulwer

No road is too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste - and no honors are too distant for the man who prepares himself for them with patience -- Bruyere

The  virtue lies in the struggle not in the prize -- Milnes

Perseverance and audacity generally wins -- Mad. Deluzy

There is no royal road to anything -- One thing at a time - and all things in succession -- That which grows slowly endures -- J G Holland

There are two ways of  attaining an important end -- force and  perseverance -- Force fails to the lot only of the privileged few - but austere and sustained perseverance can be practiced by the most insignificant -- Its silent power grows irresistible with time -- Mad. Swetchine

The conditions of conquest are always easy -- We have but to toil awhile  - endure a while - believe always and never turn back -- Simms

I hold a doctrine - to which I owe not much - indeed - but all the little I ever had - namely - that with ordinary talent  and extraordinary perseverance - all things are attainable -- T F Buxton

The nerve that never relaxes - the eye that never blenches - the  thought that never wanders -- these are the masters of victory --  Burke

Hasten slowly - and  without losing heart - put your work twenty  times upon the  anvil -- Boileau

Perseverance gives power to weakness - and opens to poverty the  world's wealth -- It spreads fertility over the barren landscape - and bids the  choicest fruits and flowers spring  up and  flourish  in the desert abode off thorns and briers -- S G Goodrich

Persistent people begin their success where others end  in failure -- Edward Eggleston

REMEMBER THISGod won't ask what kind of car you drove, but He'll ask how many people you helped get where they needed to go.  
God won't ask the square footage of your house, but He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.  
God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, but He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.
God won't ask how many friends you had, but He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.  
God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, but He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.  
God won't ask about the color of your skin, but He'll ask about the content of your character. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012 - White Hats Report #37

White Hats Call For Joint International Criminal Investigation: 
America Demands Its $15 Trillion Dollars Back!

If you have been following the news, The White Hats have called for Leadership in America to stand up and be counted.  In fact, we would have expected our current President to stand up for America.  We only asked for one person to stand up for America, for 308 millions Americans, the ole’ girl in the New York harbor, the tattered ole’ flag and the fine men and women that serve or have served our Country proudly - just one person that has the Heart of a Lion, willing to walk with a genuine swagger and the intestinal fortitude to deal with very corrupt people and very corrupt situations.

Amazingly, no one person has had the guts to answer the call, to call it like it is, to recognize and to expose the criminality and stand steadfast for truth, honesty and integrity as a human being and for  America’s moral fiber to have a significant voice in the rapidly changing world we live in. 

The mockery Americans have had to endure for several decades is abysmal.  We used to stand for all that was fair, moral and just.  Due to the growth of the corruption that is out of control, the once good guys have been threatened, mocked, made fools of and bribed to the point of not caring about America and her values ... just barely willing to do their jobs, getting a paycheck and bribe money, without harassment.  Not one person has had the ability to stand above the fray and say ”I know about this and here is the truth as ugly and nasty as it is”.  NOT ONE PERSON!

The White Hats have been scoffed at by the biggest and the best in politics starting with George H. W. Bush, Sr.  His son Dubya scoffs, and his brothers Neal and Jeb scoff.  (We have the evidence on all of them too!)  Mitt Romney scoffs in tune with Sr. because he committed fraudulent financial acts with Sr. in the theft of $700 million of Falcone’s money..  (We have the evidence on all of them too!)  Both Clintons scoff with Sr., Obama scoffs with Sr. and in a remarkable admittance, Geithner scoffs while stating he works for Bush and not Obama.  Really?  Did he just say what we was reported?.  He works for Bush?  We are sorry, we thought Obama appointed him.   We must have missed all of the appointment stuff in high school government class, and then in college and then in law school.  Maybe this is what the problem has been all along … the White Hats have been under the impression, along with the rest of America and the world, that current President appoints people to his cabinet and other appointed positions.  Maybe that is the problem … we misunderstood.   Nah, not for a minute.  We have the evidence on all of them and it’s coming to America.

So with George Sr. lurking in the background playing puppet master, Obama really has no control of the finances of America, which truly explains a lot.  It would seem that if Obama did have his fingers on America’s checkbook, he would still have no control over the American economy, since Bush Sr. has total control.  This is the exact reason why Obama himself, when personally requesting the $15 trillion be returned from the London bankers, was outright laughed at and summarily rejected.  He came home with zip, zero … nada, which is why all of this has become so painfully obvious.


In the United Kingdom, in the greatest ally America has ever had, there is a remarkably courageous and extraordinary man named Lord James of Blackheath.   We have all viewed the message Lord Blackheath provided to his fellow Lords last Thursday, February 16, 2012, a day now referred to in the American inner circles as “White Thursday”.  Most of us have viewed Lord Blackheath’s address, which has been copied and pasted all over the Internet with millions of views to date.   We have all viewed his request for specific inquiries as directed by the Lords to commence an immediate investigation into the ugly findings of two years worth of analysis, complete with the delivery of gigabytes of documents to support his position, which is just a tip of the iceberg.   Released from the House of Lords were further examples, which have protected certain dynamics, even sensitive papers, of the sickening betrayal of not only of the British and American nations, but the world’s banking system, by this secretive Cabal.  Always, we balance the moral dichotomy with regard to consequences.  We have made a formal request to Her Majesty’s Government (HMG), the United Kingdom’s Revenue Commissioners and MI 6 to start investigating this forthwith. 

Embarrassingly,  the United Kingdom Intelligence Agencies don’t know what’s going on in their own backyard and on their watch.  It’s time for Great Britain to question their own intelligence agencies and ask how a rogue group of Americans in leadership positions have circumvented virtually all of the established banking rules and regulations in the United Kingdom, the largest financial center in the world.  The British now have the very difficult job of figuring out just how this fraud has been conducted and what it means for the British and the EU markets.

What we have difficulty with is that Obama does not control the finances of America, but yet an outsider has the ability to heist $15T from America and take it to another country surreptitiously, to hide it away.

Attached as part of this White Hat report, is an internal document from the United Kingdom which is circulated to key parties integral to the investigation and to the governing agencies.  We have specifically not discussed all of the merits of the case as the document speaks for itself with exacting details of the fraud.  In short, we don’t have ego’s.  Why believe us when you can get it from the source.   Notwithstanding,  we know each exacting detail but we want you, the readership, to understand the intricacy of this matter … the very sophistication required to defraud a whole world banking system … unless, of course, the system was purposefully part of it.  If that is the case, this whole matter just grew exponentially as the conspiracy is global and centers within, by and through, the United States Government.  Of course, where else would the conspirators get the $15 trillion and how would they get it out, without Congressional oversight approval?  Someone needs to ask these very tough questions .  Take your pick of the Committees … there are dozens to pick from that need to be involved in sorting all of this out.


We understand this is difficult to understand and is far above the pay grade of most, so let’s simplify the matter.  This is one thousand times the size of Watergate!  Why?  Simple.  A group has stolen $15 Trillion from the United States Department of Treasury and the citizens of the United States of America has gone to extreme lengths to hide the transaction from the public and the American government, including Congressional oversight committees, the Government of Great Britain and the respective governments contained in the EU.  As the investigation progresses, numerous countries will be asking the same question.  What has occurred?  What laws and regulations have been broken?   What are we harboring?  Banks will be questioned about all of the internal bank documents we possess and have turned over to the House of Lords.  Auditors will be questioned about the quality of their work product.  We understand that insurance companies will have to pay out trillions of dollars in claims (if they can afford it and don’t file for bankruptcy protection first).  Again, just like the derivatives problem, America is at the helm of financially destroying the world. Yet, no one has the guts to stand up and ask the tough questions.

We have heard from several American agencies, which have viewed the same YouTube video of Lord Blackheath.  All are very concerned about what is going to happen.  Most have made statements to the effect that they know about certain things and they need help.   Some have requested to come to our “side”, some want to expose what they know.  In every case, all are very concerned about the repercussions for them and their families, just like we are careful to watch our backs.  In the real world, if the White Hats can get information, so can the parties that do not want these folks to speak  … and frankly, they cannot be hidden away in some small town in America with a different identity.   

America wants its $15 Trillion back in the coffers of the United States Department of Treasury. 

We have included for your review a copy of the actual Federal Reserve Bank S.W.I.F.T. Transmission sheet wherein the first $5 Trillion was transferred to JP Morgan/Chase, for FURTHER CREDIT TO: PureHeart Investments, LTD.  Please review the total document but what is very interesting is that in the same box containing the “FURTHER CREDIT TO:”, the third line states UN PERMIT NO. and a HOMELAND Reference.  This means that the transfer was an approved transfer by people within the United Nations and the Department of Homeland Security.  This means there was a pre-approved authorization for the transfer of the funds.  If this is true, then the conspiracy is far reaching and the perpetrators have significant experience in the Federal Reserve Systems .   There are only a few who have the authority in each of these organizations that have the ability to execute the instruction sets regarding  the transfer of large amounts of funds.  It’s sort of like launching a nuclear missile in the movies, one guy has the key and one guy hits the button.  Very few people have the credentials and/or authority.  The net is going to get very small and tight.

In the case of the transfer going through JP Morgan/Chase, Jamie Dimon, President and Chief Execute Officer, would have to have had personal knowledge and signatory control over the transfer.

Therefore, we The White Hats demand the following:

  • We call for the immediate resignation of the Secretary of the United States Department of Treasury, Mr. Timothy Geithner, who has acted with complicity while at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and as the Secretary of the Treasury including this and numerous other transactions involved with illegally transferred or stolen funds. 
  • Further, we demand the members of the United States Congress, to immediately and forthrightly direct its own body along with the applicable oversight and other directed committees,  to immediately and independently investigate any and all activities regarding the  persons comprising the conspiracy of the theft of $15 Trillion by and through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
  • Further, we demand the members of the United States Congress to immediately and forthrightly direct it’s own body along with the applicable oversight and other directed committees,  to immediately and independently investigate any and all activities regarding J.P. Morgan/Chase Bank , Mr. Jamie Dimon, and any and all persons comprising the conspiracy of the theft of $15 Trillion by and through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
  • Further, we demand the members of the United States Congress to immediately and forthrightly direct its own body along with the applicable oversight and other directed committees,  to immediately and independently  investigate the operations of the United States Department of Treasury and its relationship to the Federal Reserve System wherein funds from the Department of Treasury and the use of the Federal Reserve System have colluded to act in a fraudulent manner.
  • Further, we request the members of the United States Congress to immediately and forthrightly seek out an independent person of the highest possible caliber, credentials, integrity and credibility to be appointed and specifically directed to lead the United States of America in the investigation, recovery and subsequent prosecution of any conspirator in the theft of $15 Trillion belonging to the citizens of the United States of America.   Since the leadership to date has not been able to find a person to accept this responsibility, we The White Hats will be glad to interview and recommend applicable parties for this endeavor.


We, the combined multi-national White Hats, hereby demand the calling and assemblage of a Joint International Task Force including the United Kingdom and other Independent affected countries, along with “Clean and Untainted” World Court representatives, to investigate the evidentiary materials submitted, to investigate the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, amongst others persons and entities including former and current elected leadership of the United States of America, due to the conspiracy and fraudulent transfer of $15 Trillion to the United Kingdom without oversight or approval.


As we move through the process of rooting out the growing cancer that threatens to enslave all of humanity, we must stay vigilant to the task.  In doing so, the more that is revealed, the more our information, reports and release of documents will become prevalent.  At some point critical mass will be so strong and our disclosures will become such common knowledge all over the world, the World will be forced to clean up this mess without the Americans.  The unfortunate concept is:  America will not be in a moral position to be a significant voice in any of the World’s leadership positions.   Until that time, many will step forward to claim possession of knowledge and/or information we have released in order to further their own reputations … reports, blogs, gurus, prognosticators and/or weekly Internet contributors.   Still others will weave stories and tales in an attempt to fill in blanks in the sequence of events that have been unfolding to fulfill their own “prophetic  storylines”.

Some of these pundits and so called “journalists” may be well meaning where others are not. This will all be revealed in the next few weeks and months.  If anyone releases information and attributes it to “The White Hats”, beware.   If it is not posted on our site, then it’s not coming from us and should be discarded.

Yet another group, with more dark and nefarious objectives, will attempt to confuse, obfuscate, distort and distract. They will attempt to accomplish this by printing articles and likely producing “documents” to either discredit our work or lead the public on a false trail to nowhere.  The process lends itself to distortion as long as the mainstream media is controlled, owned and operated by the cabal. They too will be exposed during this process. If you ever question whether it is ours, all roads lead back to our site. If it's not there, it's not from The White Hats.

For example, this past week, an Internet article alleged the $15T referenced in a House of Lords speech was Leo Wanta's money. The same article referencing Lord James' courageous speech stated that the $27.5T stolen from Wanta somehow included the $15T. This is totally inaccurate. Further, rumors are circulating that a party to a 2011 Federal lawsuit is somehow laying claim to the $15T. This as well is not accurate either. Expect this type of disinformation to increase over the coming weeks and months.

We have recently been deluged with feedback from readers inquiring how they can help and what they can do to further support our efforts. We have some suggestions to offer:

  • Call your congressional representatives and inquire if they have heard Lord James’ speech in the House of Lords on February 16, 2012. This is the address for the YouTube video”: 
  • If they haven’t, get an email address and send them the YouTube with the corresponding transcript.
  • Inquire as to whether they have a Vatican bank account.
  • Remind them that you are an American citizens and they work for you, and you pay their salaries and benefits.
  • Remind them this is an election year if they are running for re-election.

Our introduction in Report #36 discloses who we are, where we hail from and what are objectives are.  As such, we are not affiliated with any other groups or individuals nor do we provide “intel” to any person or group other than through our Reports on our blog. Our strategies have been considered, planned and are now in the execution phase.   If you wish to communicate with, feel free to write us at