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Monday, November 7, 2011

Peace & Love

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command.
 (Hebrews 11:3a, NIV).

BRIEF NOTE CONCERNING DINAR:  Why be interested?  Dinar is part of several items in the Prosperity Program.  Dinar and PP should simultaneously pay out. So closely we watch.

“The signal has been sent to CBI in Houston and New York last night so we should see this morning when the Bank's open this morning at 9am CST if not by 2pm CST.”                     (obtained from a Dinar blog)

Heavenly Father; I Come to you as Humble as I know how. I confess my sins, those known & unknown. Lord, you know I'm not perfect & I fall short every day of my life. I just want to take time out to say thank you. Thank you for your Love. Thank you for your mercy. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for my Home, Car, Food, Life, and everything I do have. I realize this life I'm living is full of trials & tribulations but thank you for not putting more on me than I can bear.
The next time you get ready to complain, tell the Devil you are a blessed child of God & you have more to be thankful for than to worry about. We must go through the storm to appreciate the sunshine!

O the blessedness to nestle
Like a child upon His breast;
Finding ever, as He promised
Perfect comfort, peace, and rest. —Hennessay
The secret of peace is to give every anxious care to God.


A Potential Night Sky Event
Date: Monday, November 7, 2011, 9:40 AM

On 09 Nov 2011 at approximately 8:30PM - 9:00PM EST, a small 1,300 foot across round comet called Yu-55 is going to come very, very near the moon and has the high potential chance to hit the moon on the northern polar region. The US government way back in April 2011, set up a schedule for a national alarm system that will be tested on this very evening for about 30 seconds on all radio and TV stations. NASA has been quietly preparing for this event for months all across the globe and even videos made to instruct the NASA workers and families.

This event has been kept totally off the TV and all government agencies have been hush-hush about it. If a hit occurs, then a fountain of light will be visible to the naked eye. A full moon will be out on 10 Nov. Hopefully you will have a clear night sky to look at an almost full moon to observe if we get a hit or not...and if a miss of the moon occurs...if will you be able to see the rapid dim streak of the object across the sky behind the moon. Best viewing will be in North and South America.

Today's Update from Poofness says get ready for the announcements and prosperity funding: 
"As I understand things, that's it for me, the rest (info) will come directly to you via your own television sets or radios, then the internet will kick in. Have fun, enjoy your future and spread the blessings."
Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:59 PM 1 comments

Portion  of the post from Poofness:       11/7/11                            
Good news; major transactions took place this past week, that  has put the ball squarely in our court. And has changed the  future of planet earth and her inhabitants. People will get  something at their frontdoors who aren't even expecting  anything...something akin to the old program when Mr Anthony used  show up at people's door giving them a check for 1m dollars. The  'fix' has been done for the elderly and the children so they  don't fall thru the cracks....again. The plutocrats will have to  work a full week after this, no more 3 day a week work schedules.  The owners will be making these ceos work for a living again.  Some will be black balled and not be allowed back into the money  business again. The 20th century behavior ends now. I understand  that's 'hard cheese' for some but it had to end sometime. No need  to revert to fear, take the opportunity to sit and reflect on  your choices for the future. Blow your nose and clear your head,  the utter differences, will take some getting used to, no doubt.  Politicians will be confronted with their own choices, and I  don't know how many will survive this, I submit there will be  some surprises. What will bar attorneys do when there's no courts  for them to bring in frivolous law suits?
 Each one will take responsibility for their own existence,  mothers will be kicking the children out of the nest. The species  must grow up find out the world doesn't operate like the fairy  tales we were all told, growing up. The curtain is being taken  down even as I type. Don't be frustrated, changing the world,  didn't happen over night. So much has been fluid as the moment  arrived to punch that final button and flush the old down the  toilet but never did they stop to cause this all to  happen without  killing anyone. Some were allowed to take  their own selves out...but that was their own will  clause. Some just couldn't see the world continuing without them  being in control of something in it. They would rather 'rule' in  hell, than serve in heaven. Stop asking 'why' people do this or  not, they do what they do because they can. No harder to figure  than that. This will no longer be about having faith and  believing in stuff, you will be provided enough information so  you 'know'...just like making hardboiled eggs.
 As I understand things, that's it for me, the rest(info) will  come directly to you via your own television sets or radios, then  the internet will kick in. Have fun, enjoy your future and spread  the blessings.

Thank you all for paying attention and using your grey matter for  more than some way to hold your skull in place, much will be  expected of you.
Love and Kisses; 'Poofness''not you aussies wondering who poof is.  John McHaffie.



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