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Friday, December 30, 2011

Almost there. Revised today

We were NOT going to post the intel we had, but John let it out on his blog.  We were told not to.  But here you are,regarding the Donors, so enjoy.  Please don't ask us when it will filter down to the projects.  Just rejoice in the news.  (comment is red is ours)

Thought you'd like to see Machaffie's note today: 
Have gone out and are going out.
ALL TO BE DONE BY NEXT WEEK. The holdup and intel lies & deceits originate from the Dark  Cabal. We including me, folks have been played big time. The messengers have also been played. Be glad when this roller coaster ride ends.
Total PP letters is approx 330,000 (120,000 in the US) and they have been going out at approx 10,000 a day. Delivery is done very carefully by bank courier. A courier from your designated private bank will be hand delivering a registered letter. When you sign for it -- you are under a very strict & tight Non-Disclosure. One word to anyone and you lose it all!
The letter is merely a bank appointment notification letter.
An ATM card with 80K on it awaits you at the bank after you
go thru an intensive 2+hrs review of the Program(s). How
much funds are in each participant's assignment. I drop the
phone when I first heard it!"

New Year Wishes for you:

Happiness deep down within.
Serenity with each sunrise.
Success in each facet of your life.
Family beside you.
Close and caring friends.
Health, inside you.
Love that never ends.
Special memories of all the yesterdays.
A bright today with much to be thankful for.
A path that leads to beautiful tomorrows.
Dreams that do their best to come true.
Appreciation of all the wonderful things about you.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012....!  

Please pray for a Pastor friend of mine.  His name is Randy and he lives in Texas.  He has health issues.  I don't know what they are but The One who does know is all that matters.  Please pray for His Will.  Pray that He gives him a complete healing.  And when He does heal him, all the glory be to God!  Thank You, Jesus. 
I appreciate your prayers deeply.  Thank you my prayer warriors.  If you would, please pass this a long to other prayer warriors.  When God's people pray things will change!  Amen, Judy                           

Jude 1:22-23
22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

Dec. 28, 2011
Benjamin Fulford
The ongoing global financial war is reaching its final stages. Multiple reliable sources in three continents are all now reporting that a major breakthrough in the financial logjam is imminent. We can confirm from our own sources (including MI6 and Japanese military intelligence) that a large delegation descended on Washington last week and read the riot act to the Washington D.C. establishment. They have been informed the Federal Reserve Board must be shut down immediately and the new financial system must be implemented or else the United States would be totally cut off from the world. The military is also close to open revolt with more than half of the military supporting a total clean up of Washington D.C., according to a CIA source. The Washington establishment therefore faces a choice between stepping aside and facing a truth commission or else arrest, civil war, chaos and eventual death for all members of the ruling cabal. We believe that sane minds will prevail in such a situation and that a peaceful resolution is imminent. However, it is not over until it is over.
Last week the Chinese were on the verge of helping the US government kill the supporters of the new financial system in Washington until the Japanese government intervened to provide protection. There were then discussions with the Chinese where they were given an explanation of the inner workings of the international financial system. They were also made an offer.
What was told to them was that over 90% of the dollars ever created were not owned by Americans. The people who own those dollars do not want them to become worthless paper when the Federal Reserve Board implodes. Instead, all dollars earned through honest work (i.e. not through derivates and other types of fraud) would be backed by gold. These gold backed dollars would then be renamed. The Chinese want to call it the Renminbi. The Rothschilds want to call it the Hong Kong dollar. Our proposal is to call it the Hong Kong yen (pronounced yuan in Chinese). Many details will have to be worked out by experts. However, it is certain that never again will it be possible for private individuals to manipulate the world through the creation of money. The Chinese insist the creation of new money should be a job run by the government and this was agreed to by the concerned parties.
A high powered Japanese government delegation will be going to the Philippines towards the end of the year to deliver Chinese gold taken there in the 1930’s to China to be used for the purposes of backing up their dollar holdings. The Japanese delegation, led by the Japanese government& rsquos number two man, Hajime Ishii will also be given presentations about suppressed technology.
I will also be going there to give them some ideas about a new structure of global governance.
The Chinese want to move the UN headquarters to Laos because it is the site of some of the most ancient and pristine Asian culture. This seems like a nice idea. Of course the UN is now an extremely dysfunctional organization and will have to be totally revamped. It now serves as a global control mechanism for the victors of World War 2. This will be fundamentally changed.
In addition, the functions of the World Bank will be moved to China, probably to Hong Kong. All current World Bank employees will have their track records examined and only those who have contributed positively to the planet will be re-employed.
The IMF will be disbanded because it has only caused misery and poverty throughout the world. It has functioned mainly to steal resources and property from the people of the world. In its place the Japanese will set up a new institution that will function to ensure the safety and stability of the global financial system. Hopefully it will be headquartered in Osaka.
All of these institutions will be set up as meritocracies. Anybody will be allowed to take the exam to join them. In addition, there will no longer be places at the top reserved for people of specific ethnic backgrounds.
The new organizations will all be very busy because the entire commercial structure of the planet will be changed. The industries that are expected to vanish or shrink dramatically include: petroleum, war, nuclear power and pharmaceuticals and automobiles. Companies in these industries will need substantial help to transform themselves. The petroleum industry, for example, could be changed into a geo-engineering industry. The armaments folk will move into space exploration. The automobile industry will start to manufacture anti-gravity scooters. The transformation of all the obsolete industries needs to be carried out in a manner that causes as little social disruption and dislocation as possible.
In addition all countries will have to agree to submit to the international court of Justice. Disputes between countries should be settled through negotiations or else in court.
However, it might be possible for countries to also agree to settle disputes through ritual warfare. They could, for example, each send 10 of their best martial artists to a desert island to duel it out but no killing will be allowed. The winning country will then get a more advantageous settlement of whatever the dispute was.
In any case, humanity is about to be freed from the grips of a horrific cult that has killed hundreds of millions of people over the years. Most of the 800 US military bases world-wide may well be shut down. The US military will have to be transformed into an entirely different organization dedicated to planetary defense and big projects for humanity.
We are headed for an unprecedented historical transformation. Hang on to your hats.                                 Bnjami                                Benjamin Fulford

DAY TRAIN TO ASCENSION:   Almost all of us bought “One-Way” tickets. Some of us know what ascension is, and some of us don’t have a clue. But that’s alright; we don’t need to know in order to get on the Train. Just as some of us know, for sure, that the world is flat, and some of know the world is Round. But that’s OK, because we all live on Mother Earth. Flat or Round it doesn’t matter.
We are “All” confused about what is going to happen when we get to Ascension. Some of us think we are going to die. Some of think we are going to have a big party. The Conductor is telling everybody that it doesn’t matter. What will be is what will be. Some people are confused; some of us think we know, some of us don’t give a damn.  The Conductor is God and in him we place our faith.

One thing we do know for sure is, the Train has arrived and is at the Platform, ready to Board.

The Conductor is calling for us to get on-board, NOW.  Some of get on-board freely and joyfully. But there are some of us who have to be herded on-board. The Conductor calls, “All Aboard”….as the Train pulls out of the station, headed for Ascension. As usual some of us socialize, some of observe & judge, some anticipate what will be, doesn’t matter. We are now on-board.
Folks we are all on the Train to, “Ascension”. LOVE, and Care for Each Other, ENJOY THE RIDE. What will be, will be.
Whh 12/30/2011
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 30, 2011
At a time when you are finding that you have the ability to bring unconditional love into your life, and we send that energy to all souls of the Earth. We have a commitment to give you every help to achieve a state of being that is going to prepare you for Ascension. Your part is to be aware and receptive to such energies, and to put them into use in your everyday life. It requires a new mindset as most lives are presently controlled by the ego, that works in your self-interest. It is the final challenge that is the hardest to overcome but you can do it, and will feel elated that you are in total control. The dark Ones are gradually becoming resigned to their defeat, and lose more power as each day passes. They see the worldwide movements for peace as more and more people realize the value of coming together, and that by sheer numbers they are achieving their aims. The dark Ones have always feared the day people would wake up to their true selves, and the power that they hold. Fear is no longer the powerful weapon that it was, and the Light is carrying people through periods of uncertainty and giving them the strength to overcome it. Events that are about to occur and are essential to your progress, are moving into a stage of readiness for the next step to take place. It means that the year 2012 will not take long to get under way and will almost be a procession of changes, one after another. It is you who are instrumental in bringing the changes into your lives and as we see it, you will not in the least way be disappointed. You have waited long for the return journey to the higher dimensions to commence, and hardly noticed that it has already started. However, in this coming year the changes will speed up quite dramatically and particularly where your consciousness levels are concerned. It will bring an acceptance of each other that sees beyond race or cultural differences, and that will also help bring you together. Humans are in essence benign Beings and are naturally peaceful by nature. We of the Galactic Federation are very active now as we become more directly involved in matters taking place on Earth. It is ensuring that our allies proceed at a pace that is necessary to bring the first major changes into being. We otherwise keep up our cleansing activities of the atmosphere, and keep a strict control on any action intended to start another war. By banishing nuclear wars we have commenced a period of peaceful existence, that shall eventually bring about the removal and destruction of all weapons of war. There is no place for such things in the higher dimensions, and neither thoughts of any kind of aggression.

The demand for peace is uppermost in so many peoples minds, and that powerful energy is instrumental in bringing it into being. As we see your Earth it becomes apparent that the Light Grids are exceptionally strong now and lifting Earth up into the higher vibrations, as like attracts like. The process of Ascension marches onwards and the dark Ones can no longer hold it back. Their day has finished and little remains but to round them up, and keep them where their power and influence has no way of interfering with you. Their dream of world domination, has now been replaced by one of world peace as a result of the vision projected by you.

There will be periods of difficulty and inconvenience to you as the web of control put in place by the dark Ones is dismantled. It will be particularly relevant to the financial and monetary changes, but be assured we have our allies fully briefed and ready to act at short notice. The governmental changes will not cause many problems, as there will be continuity and control whilst they are taking place. Disclosure as an announcement will naturally result in great discussion, and bring about many revelations to reveal what has been hidden from you for at least the last century. These will in turn result in far reaching changes by introducing benefits and new technologies that you should have already been using. Once we can work openly with you, we shall give you the advantage of our advanced monitoring of your Earth where physical changes are concerned.

Bear in mind that the main changes will not take place until after Ascension, when those of the higher consciousness will take their places as the new Galactic Beings. You will eventually become as we are and enjoy the same opportunities, and experience complete happiness. Whatever experiences you have to go through until you ascend, keep focusing on the future and it will not seem as difficult. Those of you who are well informed will be the vanguard of Lightworkers who will help others to understand what is taking place. Once the media is able to be free speaking from censorship and other controls, you may be sure that it will be your principle source of information.

So everything is set for really fast moving experiences and changes, that will bring you to a point you should have already reached. Thus you will reach the new levels in stages, and be well prepared for the next big step forward that is Ascension. It will be something of a whirlwind ride once it gets started, but exciting if you look at it from an informed point of view. Many souls who are only just awakening will be utterly confused and understandably fearful. That is to be expected when you are suddenly taken out of your normal surroundings into the unknown. However, people will soon understand that we of the Galactic Federation are assigned to the task of seeing you safely through the changes. Naturally some souls will have elected to leave the Earth prior to Ascension, but are not denied the opportunity to ascend and can do so directly from the Astral Realms.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and although we do not work to your linear time, we nevertheless understand the way you rely on this method of calculation. We sense a sigh of relief amongst you as you are about to step into the year 2012, with every expectation of the promises materializing that were made to you. If there was ever a certainty that events would proceed as expected, then you are right as far as the year 2012 is concerned. We are pleased for you all as we want you to be lifted in spirit and go forward full of hope and joy. May your dreams come true and your path be full of Love and Light.  By: Mike Quinsey.        Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

One of Nostradamus’ quatrains may correlate the final burst of light this supernova with the change of Popes:
The great star will burn for seven days
The cloud will make double sun appear
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.

by Janae B. Weinhold
from Weinholds Website

Give thanks for those troops serving in the absolute worse conditions.  They leave their families for long periods of time and serve in awful hell holes on peace keeping missions.  God Bless all our troops.  Please bring them home safe to their loved ones.  

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