Cloud 9 Trust represents clients who have humanitarian projects that are seeking funding sources. We offer representation to those principals with projects in need of funding and we offer the following biographies of our team to assist with your decision making process for selection of consultant representation. Cloud 9 Trust function is to secure funding for humanitarian projects and programs, while assisting in the development of an acceptable submission package to qualify the client and their project. Our mission is supporting humanitarian efforts that build a future for our children and creates a world in harmony among its populace while serving God’s principle.

Diana is a currently working on behalf of Cloud 9 Trust and its Trustee David Maxwell. Cloud 9 Trust represents humanitarian projects that are seeking funding with no debt service; while assisting in project development to qualify for this type of funding. She is committed and inclined to represent projects that are serving God in making this world a better place and specializing in HEALTH, EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY catalgories. Ultimately, submitting projects to viable sources to accomplish and succeed in their goals for funding. We also integrate projects with sharing of technologies and can provide professionals to fill positions to complete difficult tasks. Resurrection Group Member
EDUCATION, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS, CERTIFICATES/AWARDS AND AFFILIATIONS INCLUDE: East Texas University (photo/journalism), East Field Community College, Property Management Certified, ABC Inventory Analysis, Business Management, Private Investigator licensed, Certified radio operator, NPPL State Champion, NFAA State Champion, NRRP State Champion, Single Engine rated pilot, BOD for Viet Nam Veterans Assn., Publisher/CEO Clipboard News, BOD VFW Ladies Auxiliary, President VFW Ladies Auxiliary, Republican Party Alternate to National Convention, State of Texas Civil Air Patrol-IFO, Certified Archery Instructor, Honorary Deputy Marshall and a former Deputy Sheriff certified in the State of Texas.
Financial and Business Advisor
Mr. Maxwell is presently President and Director of MAXWELL CAPITAL CORPORATION.
David is Senior management professional with proven business and product development skills. He is excellent in start-up situations requiring diverse business knowledge, financing, and structuring with operations management expertise. INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE includes: International Business, Financing, Sports, Legal, Entertainment, Environmental, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Medical, and Equipment Development. PRESENT ACTIVITIES include: Underwriting, Risk Analysis, Due Diligence, Financial Analysis, Business Structuring and Off Shore Operations Management. TRUSTEE; Merilian Technologies Equity; CONSULTANT; Doctor Groups and Hospital Owners; Financial Consultant; Energy Technology companies and oil, natural gas and coal production and operation companies including the development and marketing of US Patented Oil Recovery Process from Tar Sands; Business Consultant; Numerous private companies in US and Overseas (financing and asset management). Sponsored PR China Olympic Basketball teams to LA for training from 1998 to 2002.
DOCTOR OF JURISPRUDENCE – University of Tennessee Law School, Knoxville, TN
MA – History, Northwestern State University of Louisiana, Natchitoches, LA
BA – History, Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee
(Student Body Vice President; 4-year basketball letterman and team captain)
ROTARY DISTRICT 5280 CHARITABLE FOUNDATION BOARD MEMBER 2004-2007 And Secretary to District 5280 Charitable Foundation 2005-2007
FREE AND ACCEPTED MASON, Member Masonic Lodge No 18, Ohio 1972-Present
la Shriner children’s hospital media advisory committee 2006-present
BUSINESS ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBER, National Republican Congressional Committee 2003 – Present
With more than twenty years in the hospitality industry, Mr. Allen also owns Gold Key Vacation Club a marketing and management company that specializes in the turnaround of financially troubled resort properties. Hotels, Motels and Condominiums in Tennessee, Florida, Kentucky and the Caribbean have been managed under his guidance. Earl is the Principal Broker of Allen Realty and the Developer of the Chase Point Subdivision Earl has held several management positions, and extensively traveled between the islands. For the past ten years, he has worked with the government of St. Lucia in the West Indies, officials to develop low income housing and employment for the local population. His background in housing development brings experience in planning for infrastructure and housing meets the needs of the islanders to improve their present living conditions. With a background in development, additional experienced management staff was recruited to implement these plans.
With over 50 years of experience in Planning, Estimating, Construction, Maintenance and Management, Carl has established himself as an expert in development of multi-million dollar projects. His credits include corporate and management positions with such corporate giants as Disneyland, W.E.D. (design arm of Walt Disney Productions). American’s Cup Challenge, Wrather Properties, The Queen Mary/Spruce Goose Complex, the Disneyland Hotel and the 84 Summer Olympics. Carl is presently involved in trading platforms and financial instruments in his partnership with Casey James. Carl’s accomplishments and awards of recognition through many years, in the industry, are too numerous to list. Wylene is an accomplished accountant. Resurrection Group Members.

Mr. Amara is presently CEO of Provo Commodities. Paul has worked with domestic and foreign banks and financial institutions, development and implementated multi-million dollar corporate budgets. Handled sales and marketing of company services, including construction of advertising campaigns. Several years experience in Airline/aviation equipment evaluation and acquisitions, contract negotiation and execution. Experience in personnel recruitment and training, working with U.S. and foreign government agencies and regulatory environments, prepared presentations to Board of Directors. Financial and operational analysis of Company projects and has been responsible for corporate purchasing, vendor contracting and supervision. Paul has been corporate liaison, in conjunction with corporate lawyers and accountants and with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Paul has achieved all levels of airline operations and also provides construction of low cost residential housing in “third world” countries. He is also a public speaker and does classroom teaching. Has prepared Business Plans, development and structuring corporate and has prepared Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). Activities also include offering of Geo-thermal energy, pure water technology and production for projects. Resurrection Group Members.
· Formerly held a New York State teachers license. (College level).
· Former guest lectured at New York University (NYU).
· Previously guest lectured at several aviation colleges.
· Conducted commercial airline operations between the U.S. and Cuba under special U.S. State Department authority.
· Assisted U.S. manufacturers in exporting their products to Pacific Rim countries.
· Assisted Russian inventors of advanced technology projects in obtaining patents outside of Russia.
· Received, as Company President, the first ever issued Air Carrier Operating Certificate from the FAA Flight Standards District Office at JFK International Airport. (Alpha Airlines)
· Has accumulated more than 13,000 hours as a commercial aircraft Captain.
· Holds U.S. FAA licenses to conduct pilot training, all levels.
· Is U.S. DOT certified to handle, inspect and transport DOT classified Hazardous Material.
· Conducted many domestic and international public speaking functions.
· Successfully negotiated multi-million dollar contracts for petroleum products, refined sugar, urea, cement, zinc and other commodities.
· Formerly a member of the Rotary International Club.
· Is a member of the President’s Council of the Regional Airline Association
· Has conducted business operations in eighteen different countries.
Paul currently maintains business and/or government relationships in the countries of: Barbados, Costa Rica, Canada, Mongolia, Trinidad, Guinea, Africa, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Venezuela, Ukraine, St. Lucia, Haiti, Germany, Uzbekistan, The Bahamas, England, Switzerland, Uganda, Turks and Caicos, India, Italy, Russia, St. Kitts/Nevis, Panama, Tunisia and Argentina
Resurrection Group Member
Resurrection Group Member

Upon his return to Tuskegee, Alabama, Pugh was engaged by a Rural Health Services Agency, as Laboratory Coordinator/Consultant; worked as Assistant Laboratory Supervisor; In 1977, he accepted a position in Atlanta, Georgia, as a Donor Room Supervisor in a Plasma Donor Center, where he supervised 10 Laboratory Technicians and LPN Phlebotomists; later he accepted a position as an Alternative Health Specialist with the Georgia Dept. of Human Resources under a Federal Grant, until April, 1979. Pugh returned to Tuskegee, Alabama where he found employment in the health care profession and then became an entrepreneur, and embarked on a career in Cable Television and Small Business Development. Following this venture, he founded Video Vision, Inc., was awarded the Cable Franchise for Macon County, Alabama in 1980, and subsequently, was awarded a Cable Franchise for the City of Tuskegee, Alabama. Through the Minority Business Development Association (MBDA), a federally funded program, in 1982/1983, Pugh participated in five continuing education training seminars specializing in Small Business Administration, Management, and Development. These Seminars were conducted in collaboration with the Small Business Administration (SBA), and local centers. Pugh has served as the Chairman and CEO for Video Vision, Inc. from its conception. The company currently owns three (3) Cable Franchises. As founder of the company, which expanded its interests to television production in 1983, he has served as Executive Producer and Producer on several projects in Washington, D C., Alabama, and in South Carolina. He has over 20 years experience in CATV Technology, including franchising, project development, system design, satellite technology, and fiber optics. Pugh has attended a one (1) year course in “Communications Electronics.”
Pugh is the Founder and Managing Director of Saile Consulting Services, a Small Business Development and Consulting Firm. Founded in March, 1995, Saile has guided the development of at least 25 commercial, retail, and real estate business ventures for clients throughout the Southeast (Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina) including:
Ø Television Station - Marion, South Carolina
Ø 4-Camera Mobile Production Vehicle - Marion, South Carolina
Ø 52-Unit Apartment Complex - Macon, Georgia
Ø Discount Retail Store - Eufaula, Alabama
Ø Ambulance Service - Tuskegee & Russell County, Alabama
Ø Convenience Store & Service Station - Tuskegee, Alabama
Ø 90-Unit Apartment Complex - Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Ø Assisted Living Complex - Hurtsboro, Alabama
Ø Child Development & Learning Center - Tuskegee, Alabama
Ø Super Market Expansion - Tuskegee, Alabama
Ø 10-Hotel Chain Project - Southeastern Region (Developer from Auburn, Alabama)
Saile Consulting Services project development activities include the following:
Ø Feasibility Studies
Ø Market Analysis
Ø Location/Site Survey
Ø Business Plan Development & Preparation
Ø Financial Plan Development
Ø Corporate/Legal Plan Development
Ø Site Plan Development
Ø Facility Concept Floor Plan Design
Ø Interior Design & Space Planning
Ø Financing/Loan Package Preparation
Ø Implementation Plan Development
Saile follows each project undertaken, from the idea through implementation, and provides follow-up consultation to each Client and Project. As Founder and Managing Director, Pugh has written a publication entitled “The Business Plan- A Small Business Development Seminar.” In early 2001, Pugh, along with four other Principals, formed SAILE DEVELOPMENT & HOLDING COMPANY, a Commercial venture whose purpose is to foster economic development and growth in the Macon County, Alabama area. Pugh currently serves as Chairman and CEO for the Corporation. In November, 2002, Pugh was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of United States Crude International, a Red Lands, CA corporation, and as Chief Investment Officer for the Corporation. He participated in a one-year course of study in Communications Electronics Technology, this included some Broadcast Technology. To develop a firm knowledge of Accounting and Finance, Pugh has worked closely with a Certified Public Accountant, who has provided extensive tutelage in General, and Corporate Accounting and Finance. Through the years, community and economic development have both become a lifetime goal and passion, and it is that passion that is guiding his current project development activities. Resurrection Group Member.
Bill has 52 years of experience in the motion picture/ television Industry dating back to March of 1956, when he had the good fortune to be invited by George Stevens, Sr., to become a production assistant on the classic film, “GIANT’. Needless to say, the business caught his interest instantly. Bill went on to earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the University of Houston in 1958 and immediately traveled west to find his way in the movie industry. Working for the likes of Columbia/Tri-Star, Warner Brothers, Universal, as well as many independents, Bill worked on 38 feature films in a variety of functions. In 1969, Bill and his family moved back to Houston where he took a position with the NBC television network, with specific assignments on the Apollo space program, including Apollo 11 and Apollo 13. In 1972, the Henry family relocated to Plano, Texas – a suburb of Dallas, when Bill took a position with Tracy-Locke Advertising. The agency had recently purchased a film laboratory and under Bill’s guidance, the lab was quickly elevated to include 35mm film processing capability. Over the next 7 years, Bill successfully helped establish Dallas into the formidable film production market it is today.
In 1980, Bill joined Spectradyne, Inc. later to be known as Spectravision. The company was one of the early pioneers in pay-per-view movie marketing, serving more than 770,000 hotels rooms in the United States. His position was one of film buyer in which he licensed movies to run on the Spectravision PPV system. It was there that he was able to hone an instinctive ability to recognize films that would have mass appeal and provide profitable returns for the company. In this capacity, Bill would travel to all of the major film markets and negotiate contracts with independent movie producers. After Spectradyne, Bill wanted to learn the theatrical exhibition aspect of the industry inside and out. Over the next 10 years, he worked for General Cinema Corporation and Regal Entertainment Group, the largest operator of theaters in the United States. It was with Regal that Bill was placed in charge of a couple of large, multi-screen complexes in Nashville, Tennessee; one with 16 screens and another with 27. While learning this side of the business, Bill was able to capitalize on his reputation as a very shrewd film buyer in bringing commercially viable properties for theatrical exhibition to the operations he managed.
In 2000, Bill and his Family came back to his first love…Dallas, Texas. Bill immediately returned to film production. He created, WH. Henry & Associates, from concept to screen. Because of his 52 Years of experience, he found out that he ad a lot of old friends in Hollywood. They helped him put numerous projects together. During this time Bill established and is developing New Century Film Studios. A facility designed to assist Independent film makers to create their projects, basically in Humanitarian Contexts. As Bill has stated, “we have had enough of Zombies. Now let’s have Angels“. Bill is very proficient in putting together film budgets, cash flow analysis, production schedule boards and marketing & distribution plans. Finally in 2009, because the market for film making is very good, Bill returned to producing Humanitarian projects. Bill presently serves as CEO for New Century Film Studio. Resurrection Group Member.
þ New School Start Ups and Development
þ Facility Design
þ Curriculum (Custom or our USS curriculum)
þ School Management Services
þ Purchasing (Materials and Supplies)
þ All ICT needs for students and management
þ Budget Preparation and school business office systems
þ Forecasts
þ Policy and Procedures
þ Class Scheduling
þ Reporting Systems
þ Library Needs
þ Teacher Recruiting
þ Administrative Staff Recruiting
þ Board Development
þ Strategic Planning
þ Accreditation
þ Mission Statement Development
þ Operations
Mr. Robertson’s education includes a Master of Education Degree in Educational Administration from the University of Texas – Pan American, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Texas A&M University (Formerly East Texas State University). He holds PK-12 school administrator certifications and teaching credentials for Texas and Florida and has 38 years of experience in education that spans from teaching all grade levels to principal, headmaster, directorships, and CEO of international schools overseas in Morocco , Kuwait , Bolivia , Saipan, and the United Arab Emirates . He has directed numerous award winning musical organizations and has consistently had high performing schools under his leadership as a head administrator. He is a certified teacher appraiser and holds additional certificates in instructional leadership, leadership development, and has received training in the International Baccalaureate Program for overseas schools.
Mr. Robertson’s experiences have taken him all over the world, and therefore, he is knowledgeable of numerous foreign educational systems, cultures, religions, and life styles. He has also spent considerable time in The Philippines.
Specifically, Mr. Robertson special experiences include:
Ø Curriculum design and implementation
Ø Policy writing
Ø Curriculum writing
Ø Supervision of the design, construction and opening of schools
Ø Supervision of school renovation projects
Ø Extensive knowledge and experience of international schools overseas
Ø Teacher recruiting for overseas schools
Ø School leadership as a principal, headmaster, and CEO
Ø Presentation of professional development sessions for educators
Ø Instructional delivery methods
Ø Consultant for school reform projects overseas
Mr. Robertson’s areas of special interest include the following:
Ø School design, construction, and start ups
Ø Educational reform
Ø Teacher education and professional development
Ø International schools
Ø School policy
Ø School personnel recruitment (stateside and overseas)
Ø Curriculum – all grade levels
Ø School accreditation
Ø International Baccalaureate Program for overseas schools
Ø School inspections
Ø Strategic planning for schools
Ø Fine Arts
Mr. Robertson’s combined experiences make him an excellent choice to lead your school's construction projects, start ups, or reformation of schools already established in the United States or overseas. Depending on your choice of educational services contracted, our team of professionals can remain on site after construction to staff and manage the school as well as offer you a whole complement of school support services. Mr. Robertson believes that all children can and will succeed. Resurrection Group Member.
PROJECTS MANAGER Mr. Evans attended Grade School and High School in Southern California. Graduated 1962, He attended Mt. San Antonio Jr. College, Walnut Ca. 1962 to 1964, majoring in Aeronautics and Business Administration. He attended USC School of Business - Extension School 1966 to 1969. Mr. Evans was hired by Transit Mixed Concrete of Los Angeles, CA. as a Sales Engineer after graduation. This was his introduction to construction using Light Weight Concrete. He was involved in many High Rise projects in LA and Orange County. His first use of Foam Panels was with "Habitat for Humanity" in Tijuana, Mexico. In 1980 Mr. Evans formed his own construction firm. He specialized in concrete construction and concrete reconstruction. His excellent ability to oversee and manage large projects spans over 30 years of experience. His project history includes completed river and dam projects, for the ARMY CORPS of ENGINEERS, handling multiple projects for the US Navy, the US Army and US Air Force. His ability to bring difficult projects in on time and on budget is one of his major and creative abilities. In 2004 Mr. Evans expanded his sights and took on a new opportunity. During the 18 years as a Disneyland Anaheim specialty contractor, he used SODA blasting to depaint or clean sensitive projects. SODA Blasting uses Bicarbonate of SODA crystals to blast clean without any damage to the substrate. In 2004 the Chinese Government heard about his work and he was invited to Beijing, China to demonstrate SODA blasting to the Chinese. Mr. Evans is the only American to ever work inside of the historical treasures of The Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Mr. Evans has been awarded a Patent for a fully automated Blasting Robot. His ability to really see the big picture in organizing projects has brought him praises in his industry. He served for years as the Vice President of the California Contractors Association. He has overseen many large construction projects and is looking to put his vast experience to use here in the building of Changing the Face of Life’s multiple project sites.
Bright Futures Way Station provides outstanding education and special medical and counseling care for children 12 to 17 of all nationalities who are victims of deliberate and unconscionable abuse beyond their control, particularly sex slavery or having little chance to leave the hell they have been put in without their consent... Bright Futures Station’s mission is dedicated to helping these lost children purchased or escaped from their slavery to rise above their present challenges, and enjoy a bright future full of opportunities for the pursuit of love, a joyful life, and abundance of blessings.
Bright Futures Way Station provides a Body-Mind-Spirit whole wellness approach of medical, psychological and educational in an enjoyable and safe boarding environment of love and care. First, the Body or medical part must be accessed for damage control, then Mind must be assessed and helped to move beyond the dark hell of their previous world into the light of the present world that is there waiting for them, and lastly for the Spirit to give them self-confidence through the best education possible and tools to survive on their own. A curriculum coupled with practical experience will be taught that places emphasis not only on high academic achievement, but also on developing creativity, understanding, self-confidence and the pride of accomplishments. The ultimate goal is to help each person help themselves to become all they can be and the ability to work together to accomplish common goals!
The first order of business for the child on arrival at The Way Station is a thorough medical check-up (BODY) to deal with any, illness, impairments, diseases, dysfunctions, dangers, etc. as a safety measure. Then we have an extensive evaluation by the mental (MIND) section to assess what damage has taken place and to devise possible damage control proposals. Then the Medical+ Mind+ Education (SPIRIT) representatives will create an individual recovery program with stated goals and appropriate progress monitoring and assessment. If feasible, their education will be available at the on-site grade school (with High School to be added as needed.)
Howard Robertson, Managing Member and
Ronald Evans, Member, Brief Biography
Las Vegas, NV
Brief Bio

This reason for this service is that it is not only critical but long overdue. . A 2001 U.S. Department of Justice “report on sex trafficking” clearly lays out the pattern of these organizations which frequently serve as a front for crime. More disturbing is the high number of women working in these places as slaves. That's right — slaves. Why? Simple! There is a huge market in U.S. military bases, in “massage parlors”, and hidden brothels where female slavery is common, especially in those females under 17. This infrastructure and culture are recreated here in the United States , with inordinate numbers of Asian women and girls especially, trafficked and exploited in U.S. massage parlors, strip clubs, bars and brothels surrounding U.S. military bases.
It is not enough to purchase or a child’s freedom from sex slavery or rescues them. That child, anywhere from 12 to 18, desperately needs to have the nightmare degradation experienced calmed AND reduced (for it cannot ever be forgotten) so she can come back from the hell she lived in to love and light – and sanity. The child first receives a thorough medical exam to immediately start damage control if necessary and then secondly will receive a mental examination to assess damages. Then will be examined to determine the level of her education and abilities for a proper education. then receive a Personal Recovery Program geared what he/she is capable of doing. Some may move swifter from the environment of sex slavery in hellish “Bordellos’ than others to a loving transition environment in a safe place where they can live and help each other come from the depths of despair and depravity to the sunlight of self-worth, accomplishment and self-confidence. It is the atmosphere of love, acceptance and encouragement to be all they can be that will help each child become balanced, confident, and fully ready for the life ahead. They all will learn that there is a bright future out there in the world for them but they will need a lot of training, counseling and self-confidence to survive in a world gone mad but were they CAN find life, love, and a sense of pride.
Children who have been enslaved, degraded and used for sex for monetary benefit to their “pimps”, will not only get their freedom but will have an opportunity to get good professional help with the severe damage to their identities, job training, and a solid and useful education so they can then operate safely, satisfactorily and productively in the new world they will live in. Those who come to us will not be limited to Asian, European, Middle Eastern children but for American children as well. Yes, there ARE American children in sex slavery right here in the good old USA
Our location is on an island in the Caribbean. The government has graciously accepted our proposal to locate on their island and accept those children without proper identification. AND the island will be a safe haven for all involved.
Submission Package development: For those with ideas for a humanitarian project, our team offers preparation of the submission package for a minimal fee. Please send an email of interest to:
Subject Line: Inquiry concerning submission pkg. service.
Date: 18 Dec 2011
Greetings and Salutations,
Frustrated, tired of all the Hope messages? Is It Ever going to happen??? Don't worry, it's happening, way too much debris had to be removed from the path way, since the process began in 1984. The promise being kept to me and therefore to you is, they would remove our enemies out of the way so, no one would have a short lived celebration. Unless, you've done due diligence thru the years, you wouldn't even realize, anyone was lurking in the back ground to steal your goodies for themselves. Countless times, things were prepared to go out to the world, then some tick mite buried deep in the dog's back would come out to try and suck blood, as if they were starving or some thing. How many filets can you eat, how many gold toilet seats do you need? Greed is a sickness that must be curbed. Even ronald reagan raised taxes for god's sake. Trickle down does not work....figures don't lie, but liars sure figure. Who has benefitted from the 'war on drugs'? Rich folks who funded all the importation. Romney made money bankrupting companies and selling off the pieces, what do you think if he got into the white house, same thing as G dubya. Corporations are people, too...... in a pig's eye.
Yes, this country needs a few more political parties and money needs to be removed from the election process. Over the last 100+ years all we had over here in the us, is the choice of which new master we want to hand out our pork and beans. White folks and black folks alike with additions of latinos now to come onto the plantation to be ruled. So folks, they who have mastered the plantation owners are flipping the script and evening out this playing field. People who already have power do not need to fight to keep it, they know that money needs to move and not sit in dusty chambers collecting more dust. So, while it seems by some I've been hoping beyond hope, understand there are principles of physics at work, certain immutable laws of physics. As change will happen as sure as the mississippi has changed it's course thru the years. Human intelligence will either take the lead or nature will. Long sighted folks from centuries ago made the first moves and now those moves have engaged the planet's banking system to change the future from entropy or collapse upon itself, to a burst of growth and parting of the clouds into the sunlight of life worth living.
The folks in the rafters are applying the principle brought here by the master and spreading the world's wealth to the hungry and the poor. Helping the widows, elderly, and the orphans is a big thing to them. They have done their own version of overturning the tables of the money changers at the temple. Not like it's a secret, the saint germain trust opened on the 15th, 10 days before xmas, as it has done for years. This time the blocks of the greedy have been driven away by massive arrests and imprisonment. None without warning but as I am fond of saying, they just refused to believe 'fat meat is greasy'. They can bet on it now! We live in a time of miracles, definition of which is 'nature going unchecked' letting the flow of nature go without intervention by human thought. I just saw Kansas City beat the Packers...whaaa??? Yogi Berra used to say, 'it ain't over 'til it's over'. So remember folks, it only takes one moment to shift your life from poor to wealthy, the work to get it there has taken years but we're 'there'. You won't get coal in your stocking this year. Cheers Will!
Merry Christmas one and all.
Love and Kisses;
Frustrated, tired of all the Hope messages? Is It Ever going to happen??? Don't worry, it's happening, way too much debris had to be removed from the path way, since the process began in 1984. The promise being kept to me and therefore to you is, they would remove our enemies out of the way so, no one would have a short lived celebration. Unless, you've done due diligence thru the years, you wouldn't even realize, anyone was lurking in the back ground to steal your goodies for themselves. Countless times, things were prepared to go out to the world, then some tick mite buried deep in the dog's back would come out to try and suck blood, as if they were starving or some thing. How many filets can you eat, how many gold toilet seats do you need? Greed is a sickness that must be curbed. Even ronald reagan raised taxes for god's sake. Trickle down does not work....figures don't lie, but liars sure figure. Who has benefitted from the 'war on drugs'? Rich folks who funded all the importation. Romney made money bankrupting companies and selling off the pieces, what do you think if he got into the white house, same thing as G dubya. Corporations are people, too...... in a pig's eye.
Yes, this country needs a few more political parties and money needs to be removed from the election process. Over the last 100+ years all we had over here in the us, is the choice of which new master we want to hand out our pork and beans. White folks and black folks alike with additions of latinos now to come onto the plantation to be ruled. So folks, they who have mastered the plantation owners are flipping the script and evening out this playing field. People who already have power do not need to fight to keep it, they know that money needs to move and not sit in dusty chambers collecting more dust. So, while it seems by some I've been hoping beyond hope, understand there are principles of physics at work, certain immutable laws of physics. As change will happen as sure as the mississippi has changed it's course thru the years. Human intelligence will either take the lead or nature will. Long sighted folks from centuries ago made the first moves and now those moves have engaged the planet's banking system to change the future from entropy or collapse upon itself, to a burst of growth and parting of the clouds into the sunlight of life worth living.
The folks in the rafters are applying the principle brought here by the master and spreading the world's wealth to the hungry and the poor. Helping the widows, elderly, and the orphans is a big thing to them. They have done their own version of overturning the tables of the money changers at the temple. Not like it's a secret, the saint germain trust opened on the 15th, 10 days before xmas, as it has done for years. This time the blocks of the greedy have been driven away by massive arrests and imprisonment. None without warning but as I am fond of saying, they just refused to believe 'fat meat is greasy'. They can bet on it now! We live in a time of miracles, definition of which is 'nature going unchecked' letting the flow of nature go without intervention by human thought. I just saw Kansas City beat the Packers...whaaa??? Yogi Berra used to say, 'it ain't over 'til it's over'. So remember folks, it only takes one moment to shift your life from poor to wealthy, the work to get it there has taken years but we're 'there'. You won't get coal in your stocking this year. Cheers Will!
Merry Christmas one and all.
Love and Kisses;
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