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Monday, February 13, 2012


Daily Word Loving Heart
I open my heart for a fresh infusion of God's healing love.
The heart symbolizes the center of divine love. Through the love in our hearts we are moved to forgive, to serve others without reservation, to work unselfishly for the good of humankind.
Divine love heals and blesses. In the stillness of prayer, I draw God's healing love into my heart. If I have let hurt or fear build a wall around my heart, I muster the courage to let divine love fill me and deflect any pain or suffering. Nothing can rob me of the joy of giving and receiving love; nothing can block its flow. A heart full of love knows no fear.
I am a magnet for love that draws more of itself to me; I am a mirror that reflects God's love out into the world.

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses
Proverbs 10:12



BellaGrits] can be ANYTIME..... We look for it in the banks in the morning-- then thereafter......throughout the day based on INTEL.... We do the best we CAN..... As you can see, not much sleep.

[BellaGrits] if before 4am, possibly the banks will have it, but after that, wed is more plausible for a cashin.

[jonnywg] do not invest for a while in gold metals stocks PROPERTY....... Play it safe and liquid. Stay liquid for 6 months then review. Put in a money market ACCT....... Invest in other currencies if you wish ....... But no stocks for at least 6 months Question: jonnywg doof the bank pkgs will offer Lloyds to us...5% ooouch!

[jonnywg] yes jonnywg do u think the usd will drop like some r saying

[jonnywg] unknown but it could drop jonnywg do you think that the iqd will spike high for a couple of days in the beginning or a few days later & we should wait for it??

[jonnywg] no .......... Should be constant for a bout a week or more you think some

This journey of our Lord God has put your soul on this earth.

Greetings and Salutations;

 Remember the term, 'indentured servant'? Just a little higher than a slave basically, a serf. You have faced the same issues, trying to pay off debt, while the house shuffles the deck in it's favor. It's really a fake freedom. As long as, one remains indebted to the 'man',(plutocrats) limits to that freedom are inherent. Listen to the politicians this season and watch them massage words to alter your vision of what they are really saying. 'Vote for me, I'll set you free'. Now, the scary part is at your door, real freedom. After a series of tactical moves behind the curtain, the dark cabals have been subjugated. Light makes right, evil always loses. Whatever actions are taken that, ultimately results in less freedom or power to the people, a counter measure automatically is birthed. The universe is about balance and that effects daily life.

 There is no more 'grey' areas, step forward in confidence, your back is covered. No more negotiations with they who would pick your pockets. They are receiving 'edicts' and will suffer the consequences for breaking them. They won't be able to tie up the courts with endless crap....BAR attorneys will not be allowed into the new courts of justice. The smart judges are already getting their 'common law' chops up to work in the new system, under a bonafide constitutional system. All we await is the 'announcements' to make it all public. Time to be adults, take what you want and help others not as fortunate as you. There's nothing hard about this and you will be helped in your decision making process. No one is throwing you into deep water with out life saving devices. Hold this thought, everything around you is alive, act like you know. Respect life. Get in the flow of it and all will be easy going forward. Thank the st germain folks for holding a focus over 3 centuries, never backing off their mission despite the wars and alot of other things which took place, the vagaries of time.

 Since the beginning of pulling all this together in america, the idea of prosperity programs for regular people have become somewhat of an urban legend. The cabal was intent on keeping it that way, too. They have used every measure at their disposal to divert, stop, or make folks crazy even thinking about the possibilities. Some have even went in an opposite direction and swear to god, it was all a scam in the first place. That way they did not have to think about it. 'Ah, the grapes are sour anyway'. The world is bigger than your back yard or your politicians. You will see what I mean very shortly, as some of the 'sacred cows' are destroyed or sent to the dustbins of history. While these folks keep saying bernanke is printing, look into your pocket or wallet and see if you can find a recently printed fed res note. Things are not as the media or even the politicians state it. The proof is with you. I can find nothing newer than 2009, how about you?

 The master said the 'Kingdom of god is within you', well try acting like you may be worth something rather than the piece of crap, preached in your ear. Maybe you need to rethink what that kingdom really is, sans someone else's idea of what that means. We have a lot of the walking wounded out here, who don't even know they have been mentally abused. Time has come to change the world. Ask questions of the person at the bank, they represent the 5 star trust. Instructions are very simple, 3rd grade level. If you can read and follow along, you'll be fine. There are some details I'm not privy too, but the big picture was always very clear. That has not altered save, time may have sped up a bit causing other things to be at your table faster. Stay loose, world change is here, listen and observe. Don't believe everything you hear, and only 50% of what you see. You will now start using the rest of your senses and brain. Call it a reset.
"Change your mind and your butt will follow."

 Must say, now you will have peace, Whitney Houston. That voice has now gone from the planet. Great lights seem to leave the planet early, she's certainly has gone to rock and roll heaven.

 With the assault on women rights going on in dc now, ladies listen to this song.
You All have personal decision to make.

Love and Kisses;     Poofness 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Our Fraud President Cannot Pass An E-Verify Check By Frosty Wooldridge
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 13-Feb-2012 05:00:12

Our Fraud President Cannot Pass An E-Verify Check By Frosty Wooldridge
If you walk up to a barn, you might say, “Something stinks in there.”
If you talk to today’s teenagers, you might hear, “Hey dude, what smells?”
In Shakespeare’s time, “Something is rotten in Denmark.”
Hamlet Act 1, scene 4, 87­91
The character Marcellus, and not Hamlet, is the one who coined the phrase. There's a reason he said the "State of Denmark" rather than just Denmark: the fish are rotting from the head down—all is not well at the top of the political hierarchy.
In 2012, you might say, “Something is rotten in the U.S. Congress.” At this time, Americans give Congress a nine percent approval rating. That nine percent need to have their own minds checked.
Barack Obama enjoys 46 percent approval after three years of failed policies, 46 million Americans subsisting on food stamps and another 15 million unemployed. That’s for starters.
For three years, top investigators have pursued Barack Obama’s legitimacy for being president of the United States. His mother was a U.S. citizen, but his father was from Kenya. That’s in question because Obama bears zero resemblance to his purported father. Jerome Corsi wrote a book: Where’s the Birth Certificate? His evidence shows compelling facts that Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen. Lawyer Orly Taitz pursued the question all the way to a federal court in Georgia last week. Georgia State Administrative Judge Malihi ordered Obama to appear. Obama failed to attend. A retired Denver, Colorado ICE agent, John Sampson, testified that Barack Obama cannot pass an E-Verify employment check because of a fraudulent social security number made out to a man in Connecticut who died before Obama was born.
Nonetheless, no American citizen is given any other person’s social security number and no American citizen is given a social security number other than the state from which he or she resides at the time of the issuance. Barack Obama’s social security numbers starts with “042” showing that he obtained it in Connecticut. However, Barack Obama has never lived in or has he worked in or in any way been connected to the State of Connecticut.
His grandmother, however, worked for the Social Security office and the speculation remains that she stole a dead man’s number from Connecticut and gave it to Obama. Thus, compounding the fraudulent identity of Obama.
While Judge Malihi last week found Obama not guilty of fraud as to his birth certificate and allowed him to remain on the ballot for the next presidential election in Georgia, the quest of Obama’s fraudulent Social Security number looms large.
“As the U.S. Constitution allowed for every citizen to pursue success, happiness and fortune, to the best of each one's ability and desire, because of the promise that the rule of law, as opposed to the rule of man, would protect their rights and their property, so too did it draw to this country, the best the world had to offer,” said Dwight Kehoe of Little Silver, New Jersey. “This is what America is and America is the U.S. Constitution. Clearly the Constitution has been under attack from the left and from the right for many years now. This past week, as Judge Malihi's obviously political ruling settled over this nation like a dark onerous cloud, one could not help but think the enemies of our democratic republic are winning in their struggle to destroy the freedoms we have for so long enjoyed.”
Additionally, because Obama did not answer his subpoena to appear before court, how could he win the decision? That’s like Ali and Frasier fighting for the heavy weight title, but Ali didn’t show up, but later was pronounced the winner and Frasier the loser.
Someone must have gotten to Judge Malihi with money, threats or other persuasions. You cannot find someone innocent when they didn’t show up for the trial. Obama didn’t show up and his lawyers abdicated.
Ironically, Obama has reportedly spent $2 million to seal all his records and maintain a full time law firm to keep his records under strict secrecy.
Returning to Judge Malihi’s questionable decision, Kehoe also asked these four pertinent questions:
1. Why did the Judge make a ruling on "credibility" of the witnesses without either cross examination or appointing an expert to review the charges and testimony?
2. Why did the Judge reach out to a lower court ruling, where clearly the few people involved in that case had no clue about Article II, and ignore case after case from our own United States Supreme Court? Could it be because he was operating on an agenda as opposed to the law?
3. If the Judge was going to allow the defendant not attend or testify under oath and thereby made his ruling based upon the "defense" he provided for the defendant, why were the plaintiffs not given the opportunity to cross examine the Judge before he made his ruling?
4. Since Judge Malihi was performing as the defendant's advocate, should he not have been put under oath and questioned as to why he refused to have other experts verify that the birth certificate is a forgery and that Obama's SSN failed E-Verify instead of simply dismissing the testimony?
To that I say, “Something really stinks in the Barack Obama presidency.”
Why? No matter how you cut it, obfuscate it, cover it, falsify it and evade it—Barack Obama, if he gave his social security number to a prospective employer for a check at E-Verify to determine if he is a U.S. citizen and eligible to work in this country—Barack Obama would fail.
In other words, this country has been misled, duped, lied to, scammed and buffaloed.
In this coming election, the American people must demand honesty, integrity and honor to the U.S. Constitution. That cannot occur with a president that possesses a falsified Social Security number, which leads any rational person to appreciate that one lie leads to another and that Barack Obama is a liar and he knows it. Lies can never be covered up and they will be exposed in the course of time in this free country governed by the rule of law and not of men.
It’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out in a court of law.


Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 13, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-Feb-2012 04:43:51

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 13, 2012
The pressures are mounting on the dark Ones who in recent weeks have lost so much power. They see their financial ploys failing and circumstances turning against them. The cabal have long been identified, and they are now known for what they are in their attempts to bring the world under one government. You shall soon see them taken out of circulation, and kept under supervision where they can no longer interfere or impede the changes that are already underway. There are thousands upon thousands of people who are working for the Light, and their collective energies are a powerful force for bringing out the truth and manifesting their vision of peace. The awakening continues and more souls are looking beyond their everyday happenings for the answers. They are beginning to see how their lives have been rigidly controlled, and seek the return of their rights and freedom from the restrictions placed upon them.
We are pleased that you as a Human Race are taking hold of your destiny, and refuse to be led down a path to total enslavement. It does lead to some degree of violence as you demand your freedom, as those in control who wield the power are reluctant to concede to your demands. We deplore any form of violence but do understand that your anger is a powerful emotion. These situations should change once governmental changes have taken place, as the new leadership will make it clear that their appointment is one that will work for the good of all. At this time we hope to be able to openly participate with them, particularly as several important changes will also need our support. Our presence largely comes down to being invited to appear, and the information we get suggests that our coming would be welcomed.
The Galactic Federation has made contacts all over the world, and some countries respond more readily than others. Our major challenge is in those dominated by religious beliefs, particularly of the Catholic faith who believe that we are in league with the Devil. It was however helped by the announcement from the Vatican acknowledging that we do exist. In fact our representative has visited them on more than one occasion, and our hope was that it would improve their understanding of us as they were made aware of Ascension. The different religions will have to bring their teachings into line with the truth about your origin, and the true purpose of life. They will however, continue to exist all of the time that they are needed, by those who are unable to accept changes.
Your first taste of the different responses to the truth is often when you pass over and find yourselves in the Astral Regions. Since in these levels you can find all of those things you desired upon Earth, and you can create by thought. These planes are much nearer to the reality that you meet when you ascend. There is continual light, and your bodies are more ethereal and require little in the way of solid food, yet souls enjoy the eating customs that they were familiar with on Earth. There is a freshness and cleanliness wherever you go, and what is often first noticed is that the light is such it does not cast shadows. So Dear Ones, the future offers you many exciting and interesting experiences so different to what you are now familiar with.
Your experiences on Earth can be so severe and come at a cost even to the extent of losing your life. Yet Man has a drive that never seems to be quenched, and pushes himself further and further until he finds the limits. This inbuilt passion and yearning can also be applied to your spiritual quest. You know there is something to be discovered that will enlarge your understanding, yet it often takes quite some time to find that the knowledge is held within. In fact at a subconscious level you really have all knowledge, and the difficulty is knowing how to tap into it. In this time when you seek to raise your levels quickly the best approach is through meditation, as those quiet times more easily allow contact to be made.
Your whole lifestyle is going to change quite remarkably, and in time many of you will be like us as Galactic Travelers. It is why we must soon come closer together and share what we have to offer each other. Through our presence we want you to think more expansively, and put aside your limited Earth consciousness. Some people even now refuse to accept the reality of our existence, and have closed minds to the evidence that exists. For them the experience leading to Ascension will be most difficult, as the truth must come out and can no longer be hidden from your eyes. Yet every attempt will be made to open everyone's eyes, but as you say "there are none as blind as those who do not want to see". It is not our place (or indeed yours) to force the truth upon them, and we should all respect the choice people have made.
As the big changes commence and become publicly known, it will bring out a lot of soul searching as to what should be accepted. It is for some, difficult to accept that their cherished beliefs are incomplete, or actually false. Yet if souls are to take a quantum leap forward, they will need to be totally honest with themselves by letting go whatever has no place in the Light. There is no disgrace or judgment where such matters are concerned, and you will be applauded if you find the strength to move on. Everyone needs to have an open mind right now, because you are about to commence a period of intense activity. Surprising events with unexpected outcomes will soon be in your news, and you will know for certain that matters are coming to a head.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that we have been the observers for so long, there is not much we do not know about you, and we certainly see you as rising to the occasion that is going to change your lives. Deep down you knew you were taking you last lifetime in duality, and how important it was going to be to your future. So as we see it, the awakening should speed up, and many more souls join those who are already well advanced in their preparations to ascend. Bear in mind that first and is the intent to ascend that sets you on the right path, and from there on you will attract the attention of those who will work with you on that particular path. Clearly well before you express that intent, you will have learned much about the process and what it means to ascend. Keep your goal in mind, and you will never walk alone, as we and your Guides are with you in Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Take the responsibility of being Light workers.

I'll paint you a rainbow as a gift from me,
Then hang it from heaven for the whole world to see.
On a canvas of love I'll cover your fears,
With a soft brush I'll dry all your tears.
I'll paint you a rainbow with feelings so deep,
My stroke will be gentle, my touch you may keep.
On a palette of words I will tenderly blend,
Colorful thoughts with bright verses to send.
I'll paint you a rainbow in reds, blues and gold,
Stretched like loving arms ready to enfold.
And deep in the center of the most vibrant hue,
I'll etch from memory the essence of you.
I'll paint you a rainbow, a bridge to my heart,
So loneliness and pain can begin to depart.
Just look up at the sky when life hits a bend,
I painted a rainbow for YOU my friend.

Collin Raye "A Soldier's Prayer"

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