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Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, Monday


Mondays come and Mondays go
Where the hell I do not know,
Taking with them winds that blow
It's here, it's there; THAT is so!

It’s coming; it's coming
I hear it humming!
While on the banjo, I am strumming
On the open seat of my plumbing

I raise my glass to toast you all
Before you rise, and thus must fall
Waiting for the bank to call,
I said my say; and THAT is all!
[The Wizard]

From: Elizabeth <>
Date: Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 8:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: Ref: Well Fargo Cash-Out Procedures
To: Discerning Readers <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael King
Message from Debtarheelgirl and Wells Fargo Bank 04/28/2012
TO ALL DinarLand Family:

This afternoon I have spoken directly to one of the senior team members that is in communications for helping those of us wanting to cash out with Wells Fargo who choose to use the Wells Fargo Cash Out Code... of course when the RV is official to cash out their Dinar.

Dictated to DebTarheelGirl with verified approval for publication:


Wells Fargo is being proactive and very responsive and they know that everyone is anxious.  You are being encouraged to NOT worry, all is well.  It was stated instructions will be given to all of us with the Wells Fargo Cash-Out Code.  The basic general Cash-Out instruction parameters are continuing to be discussed.

Here is what they desire to share with you thus far:

Ø  Upon the official word of the RV of the IQD, the Wells Fargo Cash-Out Code will be released within the first (1st) hour.

Ø  At the moment the plans are to have branches open within two (2) hours after official word of the RV of the IQD

Ø  Within the Wells Fargo Cash-out Code, the Cash-Out Rate will be locked in for 6 business days

Ø  At this time, the projected plan is for Wells Fargo to be open for twenty four (24) hours a day, starting two (2) hours after the official word of the RV till the masses are accommodated.

Ø  There has been NO Wells Fargo list of branches released to date, as there are not just a few selected cities for cash out - It has been decided there will be MANY Wells Fargo branches in most cities we live in that will be open for cash out - This will be most convenient and decrease travel for most.  Just check with your local Wells Fargo branch on the day of the official RV and if they do not cash out there, they WILL direct you to the nearest branch cashing out.

Ø  Your Dinar will be verified on site at the se Cash-Out branches with you in person!

The main message Wells Fargo wishes to share is for all of us NOT to worry as Wells Fargo's desire is to make this a very smooth and comfortable Cash-Out process for all.  Saturday PM - April 28, 2012

Message From The Editor (partial letter)

Dear Diana,
As a writer and editor, it’s my job to not just write about different subjects, but to the best of my ability, make sure that what information is passed along to our readers is true and factual. While I can have my own personal viewpoint about things, what is related in the newsletter and on our website as news should be as neutral as is humanly possible.
Unfortunately, our government and the mainstream media don’t seem to adhere to this standard. They have an agenda, and they will promulgate any lie, any half-truth, and manipulate data to make sure that they tell their audience what it is they want them to hear. Truth is irrelevant to either government or the press. What is even more unfortunate is that many people today seem even less willing to be discerning when it comes to what they are told, taking these lies and half-truths and running with them. Today’s quote by Winston Churchill is evidence that this is not a new phenomenon.
Quote of the Week
"In the time that it takes a lie to get halfway around the world, the truth is still getting its pants on."
Winston Churchill
These thoughts were brought about by a very recent Reuters news article I read concerning George Zimmerman. Whether he is guilty or innocent of murder is not for me to decide. That is what our courts are for and I won’t make any assumptions one way or the other. But the story this news article told was unlike any that we’ve heard from the mainstream press since the tragic death of Trayvon Martin. Had this story been told of the real background of George Zimmerman, of the neighborhood he lived in, and the escalating crime rate that was occurring which had everyone in the neighborhood concerned (black and white), I wonder if we would have had the outbreaks of violence across the nation we’ve seen the past couple of weeks. Would the New Black Panthers have been so willing to put out a bounty on a man, dead or alive (and still no action on this by our ill-named Department of Justice)? Would NBC have doctored the Zimmerman 911 call to make it appear more incendiary than it actually was had the climate not purposely been prepped by, again, lies and half-truths? What if the news media actually did its job of reporting the news and didn’t make it up to sell copy?
Lies have the power of destruction behind them. We must all forgo the temptation to only be willing to hear what we want to believe and accept. A lie told often enough and long enough never turns into the truth. It’s up to us to make sure we are informed on all sides of an issue and not allow anyone else to manipulate our emotions or our reason for their own means.
Until next time, we wish you God’s blessing and protection.

Words: Short, But So Succinct

Pythagoras: 24 words
The Lord's Prayer: 66 words                                                                      
Archimedes' Principle: 67 words
The Ten Commandments: 179 words
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: 286 words
The Declaration of Independence: 1,300 words

The U.S. government regulations on the sale of cabbage: 26,911 words

Bix Weir
 The take down of the Bad Guys is kicking into high gear. American Kabuki has now tracked over 600 high level banker resignations and it should be clear to  EVERYONE that the writing is on the wall for the Banking Cabal.

American Kabuki: 611 Bankers Resignations

Those of you waiting for the mainstream media to start discussing these actions shouldn't have to wait too long. Keep an eye out for the European derivative "problem" to hit the headlines which will destroy Bank of America. They will likely be the first sacrificial bank in the US. Their $50T in derivatives is a large chunk of counter party risk failure for all the other banksters.

DRAKE: Those of us who are following the "Drake" interviews you can find his archives here as well as at other websites around the internet:

My take on "Drake" is that he is the real deal and 90% of what he talks about comes directly in line with what the Fed Boston was telling us in the January 2007 release of the Road to Roota comics and my analysis of them.

The Road to Roota Theory

Drake is talking about the "nuts and bolts" of how it is possible to take down the bad guys and return us to a better way of life. If you really want to get freaked out here's one of my very first radio interviews with Sean at that was recorded back in February 2011. At the time very few had any idea of what I was talking about but now almost everyone of the topics we cover is manifesting and much of it is being discussed by Drake.

BIX WEIR: After the Crash

Personally, what I'm really looking forward to is the revelations AFTER THE CRASH when Drake and others can talk about who the "Good Guys" were and how close the Road to Roota analysis was to reality.

We have really come a long way down our Road and I applaud everyone who has left their minds and hearts open to the potential for a wonderful future for our country and our world.

We are getting there and in the end we WILL WIN!

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