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JonnyWG at Intel4U Wed. Night 05/09/2012
[.jonnywg] EVENING ALL
[.jonnywg] HI ALL ,,,,,, I WAS IN A MODERATED MEETING YESTERDAY WITH 2 EXPERTS,,,,......... ONE ON THE global settlements and prosperity packages for many years and the other person is a stock market expert and analyst.......... these were the notes and concensus opinions were as follows................. i have permission from them to repost.............''''''''''' ''''''.....................
1. O is out officially as a decision maker
2. Per A TOP SOURCE, mandated by Thursday – money will be flowing through banks only Wednesday, and Thursday.
3. International wires can’t’ go out in the next 48 hours. Their reasoning is they don’t want them in the system…interesting. Wells Fargo is saying it’s a software update, so that’s confirmation. Confirmed Tuesday 2pm
4. Charts – A TOP SOURCE agreed with an additional top Market source (gold, silver, oil lining up—this reverts back to May 08, 2011 adjustments--crazy) REASONS FOR RV/GS/PP’S IN THE NEXT 48 HOURS!!
1. O is out officially as a decision maker
2. Per A TOP SOURCE, mandated by Thursday – money will be flowing through banks only Wednesday, and Thursday.
3. International wires can’t’ go out in the next 48 hours. Their reasoning is they don’t want them in the system…interesting. Wells Fargo is saying it’s a software update, so that’s confirmation. Confirmed Tuesday 2pm
5. Major tele-conference meeting this morning with IMF, US, China, Iraq, BIS, and UST to finalize all these changes. (Framework and instructions for RV)
6. The UST has been given the go ahead with the instructions/blueprint for the RV
7. Announcement from France picked up by the BBC announcing major banking changes worldwide. Was supposed to be yesterday per A TOP SOURCE, but basically it’s coming from outside the US and that forces the US to comply. FRANCE NOW CONFIRMS CHANGES
8. B of A just announced principle reduction in mortgage. This should make all banks follow. But there is a reason why.
9. The Chinese say so! And they have the financial power
10. I say so – looking at my fortune cookie! .
[.jonnywg] do not give up on this week
vivrelereve] .jonnywg .jonnywg .jonnywg so the 48 hours began yesterday and we are in the final 24, correct?
[.jonnywg] vivrelereve yes and tx for the info .............. great price range
[booyah] .jonnywg .jonnywg bottom line for us brain dead stressed out types? still expecting it tonight
[.jonnywg] booyah yup
[bama] It's always bothered me to see the WGS/PP delusions get thrown in with my dinar delusions
[.jonnywg] bama they are different but somehow connected
7. Announcement from France picked up by the BBC announcing major banking changes worldwide. Was supposed to be yesterday per A TOP SOURCE, but basically it’s coming from outside the US and that forces the US to comply. FRANCE NOW CONFIRMS CHANGES
8. B of A just announced principle reduction in mortgage. This should make all banks follow. But there is a reason why.
9. The Chinese say so! And they have the financial power
10. I say so – looking at my fortune cookie! .
[.jonnywg] do not give up on this week
vivrelereve] .jonnywg .jonnywg .jonnywg so the 48 hours began yesterday and we are in the final 24, correct?
[.jonnywg] vivrelereve yes and tx for the info .............. great price range
[booyah] .jonnywg .jonnywg bottom line for us brain dead stressed out types? still expecting it tonight
[.jonnywg] booyah yup
[bama] It's always bothered me to see the WGS/PP delusions get thrown in with my dinar delusions
[.jonnywg] bama they are different but somehow connected
to the roller coaster theory. Which ride
are we taking? The one that stops sooner
and gets us off and running. Sticking to
the rumors published, not those we are hearing.
There will be another post this evening if the stories we hear, come
true, and reveal the news here. God’s
promise of great harvest. “How weighty
to me are your thoughts, O God!! How
vast is the sum of them. Psalm 139:17 THE
Generals64 Opinion at 3SintelChat Wed. AM
[generals64] I stayed up late last
night...i listened to every call...I read every report i could I read where The
RV has happened...Will happen...has happened and will happen soon...I read
Iraqidinarmoney.com...got lost in that one...I contacted everyone that would
talk or that would answer their telephone...
Some "Guaranteed" today...tomorrow next week and yesterday. A couple of them changed their minds and their investment plans and how much they loved OUR country....Got some good laughs and good memories brought back. Told Oil was up and Down (oil shake) ...gold was cheap (not) and Gold was where it needs to be...( in the middle of Beverly Hills in somebodies elses name).
Now where do we really stand?....and should we begin with a prayer?...hmmmm...boy it was an interesting night....Also found out who some people were and what they were trying to do....Heard the "gory Details"..but won't tell (lol)....
[mshaddie4] generals64 - where do you think we are this morning? Can you say?
generals64] mshaddie4 :...from people i think are ususally right....The revaluation is "working" through the hands of politics..."That should be a new term for us." From all indications the banks are beginning to believe in this transaction now.
I heard that finally some of the smaller banks will get a shot at it if they are interested. Some foreign sources (banking and financiers are waiting now and are counting their coins).....I won't even joke about the date or rate anymore....
This Calling it Race is becoming "silly" and it's time we begin saying who stays and who goes. Having a large amount of money is fun....until you make a stupid mistake and lose it....Being smart with your current finances is the way to learn. Being agitated is not... You guys/gals are just as smart (some cases way smarter) than any of the GURUS and the "Wanna bes"...
Quit worrying about this and watch it grow into a beautiful flower....I takes a Cactus a while to bloom and it hurts during that time...But, once it happens it is so pretty.
The owners of this site are not after you or your finances or your mind....they want You and I to be told the right things and no HYPE...I'm a Grump and I'm OLD....but telling you lies and BS (other than about Roscoe) is not my game....Not enough Coffee yet...
[generals64] mshaddie4 ;...Sorry I got so winded there....I like the cactus blooms....and I think we are in a good (not going to say window) place of reasoning within ourselves...There you go....But, some of my overseas sources have finally found where I am now...
mshaddie4....I think from our sources we are sitting in the middle of a cactus field....Understand???
Some "Guaranteed" today...tomorrow next week and yesterday. A couple of them changed their minds and their investment plans and how much they loved OUR country....Got some good laughs and good memories brought back. Told Oil was up and Down (oil shake) ...gold was cheap (not) and Gold was where it needs to be...( in the middle of Beverly Hills in somebodies elses name).
Now where do we really stand?....and should we begin with a prayer?...hmmmm...boy it was an interesting night....Also found out who some people were and what they were trying to do....Heard the "gory Details"..but won't tell (lol)....
[mshaddie4] generals64 - where do you think we are this morning? Can you say?
generals64] mshaddie4 :...from people i think are ususally right....The revaluation is "working" through the hands of politics..."That should be a new term for us." From all indications the banks are beginning to believe in this transaction now.
I heard that finally some of the smaller banks will get a shot at it if they are interested. Some foreign sources (banking and financiers are waiting now and are counting their coins).....I won't even joke about the date or rate anymore....
This Calling it Race is becoming "silly" and it's time we begin saying who stays and who goes. Having a large amount of money is fun....until you make a stupid mistake and lose it....Being smart with your current finances is the way to learn. Being agitated is not... You guys/gals are just as smart (some cases way smarter) than any of the GURUS and the "Wanna bes"...
Quit worrying about this and watch it grow into a beautiful flower....I takes a Cactus a while to bloom and it hurts during that time...But, once it happens it is so pretty.
The owners of this site are not after you or your finances or your mind....they want You and I to be told the right things and no HYPE...I'm a Grump and I'm OLD....but telling you lies and BS (other than about Roscoe) is not my game....Not enough Coffee yet...
[generals64] mshaddie4 ;...Sorry I got so winded there....I like the cactus blooms....and I think we are in a good (not going to say window) place of reasoning within ourselves...There you go....But, some of my overseas sources have finally found where I am now...
mshaddie4....I think from our sources we are sitting in the middle of a cactus field....Understand???
U.S. dollars being counted. Photograph: Imaginechina via AP
3 Currencies Ready for a HUGE RV [Dinar Daddy’s Tidbits]
By Karim Rahemtulla
Both the U.S. dollar and euro are doomed.
Why? Because in addition to being in slow-growth economies,
saddled with debilitating debts, they're the victims of an enormous increase in
money supply. The obvious result is serious inflation and the devaluation of
both currencies in the coming years.
Even if the United States doesn't add to its already bloated debt,
the interest on it - coupled with massive money printing - virtually guarantees
higher prices. Same goes for Europe, as the region is printing money out of
thin air to bail out its ailing countries and banks.
the euro and dollar's pain could easily be your
gain. You see, the
situation is rapidly creating a new currency world order. Specifically, three
currencies are poised for a massive upward revaluation...The Three "Super Currencies" of Tomorrow
There's a trio of currencies that you must include in
your portfolio today.
Backed by solid fundamentals in countries that rely on growth, not
artificial monetary stimulation, these three currencies operate on an entirely
different playing field than the dollar and euro. And they're set to undergo
huge revaluations in the coming months. Without further ado...
Currency #1: Chinese Yuan
As the dollar and euro decline, the Chinese are busy plowing the
yuan into assets that increase in value. Things like mines, factories, other
currencies and natural resources.
At current levels, the yuan is a bargain. Of course, the Chinese
government deliberately sets the exchange rate artificially low - rather than
allowing it to float freely on world markets - in order to profit from Chinese
goods and services.
With the world balking at this arrangement, the Chinese will have
to revalue the yuan in a big way over the coming years. Why? Two reasons...
- The Chinese aren't
just goods producers these days... they're big consumers, too. This means
reduced dollar reserves and more yuan will be invested abroad.
- The Chinese will be
forced to revalue the yuan more frequently and by greater amounts -
something the country was unable to do as it was busy accumulating
As a tandem, these two catalysts will force the value of the yuan
higher in the years ahead.
Currency #2: Indian
Having dropped by more than 20% against the dollar over the past
couple of years, the rupee is an absolute steal right now.
The Indian Central Bank controls the rupee closely. And in an
effort to combat the financial crisis and make Indian goods and services more
competitive, it's allowed the currency to depreciate.
The result? An artificially weak rupee that will appreciate due to
the trend in global growth and money flow.
With Indian GDP growth set to outstrip all Western economies in
the years ahead, the country will have to raise interest rates to quell
In the past, this wasn't an issue, since India wasn't a global
player when it came to importing goods and services. It was a closed, insulated
economy, where the majority of the population bought locally.
But with the Indian middle class approaching some 400 million
people, the country is beginning to import more goods. Such a reality will lead
to inflation, which will force the central bank to tighten monetary policy.
Currency #3: Canadian
The Canadian dollar has a bright future. For starters, Canada is
rich in natural resources like oil, timber and gold.
As the prospects for global growth pick up, all three are in huge
demand from developed and developing economies alike - a trend that will remain
for years.
Canada also has its fiscal house in good order. Its AAA credit
rating is secure, as the country quickly tackled its debt issues in the early
part of this century. As a result, the Canadian dollar has almost doubled
against its U.S. counterpart in the past decade.
In addition, Canada didn't have to bail out its banks or financial
system because of lax lending practices. Quite the opposite, in fact. Thanks to
their financial strength, Canadian banks are now expanding into the United
States in record numbers.
In short, Canada has a lot going for it. It supplies emerging
markets... it has a strong and fiscally responsible financial system and
government... it will benefit from a U.S. economic recovery... and it maintains
a transparent and trusted economy.
Bottom line: Remember
that we're talking currencies here, so a move of 10% to 15% would be huge.
These three will represent the new world order in the currency market over the
coming years - and the gains will reflect that.
The best way to buy the yuan, rupee and Canadian dollar is to make
regular investments over time. Don't pile in at once. Average your cost over
the next few months as the U.S. economy strengthens. Such a strategy will allow
you to buy the currencies at reasonable levels.
Good Investing, Karim
Trusts By Paul Lydolph - Attorney
If you want to keep your
assets out of Probate, the bare minimum tool is the Revocable Trust. The Trust
will own some portion of your combined assets. Such a Trust allows you to
provide for the management of your trust assets and their eventual distribution
to your heirs. You will decide in advance who will manage your assets for your
benefit if you should become unable to manage them yourself. It also keeps your
assets and your heirs out of probate. The Trust also allows you to designate to
whom certain tangible items will be distributed on a list that is separate from
your Trust and can be changed any time you like without changing your Trust.
The Trust will utilize what is commonly referred to as an A‑B
System to take advantage of the unlimited marital deduction and the lifetime
exclusion amount from estate taxes. During the life of the surviving spouse,
the assets are held for the spouse's benefit. Any remaining assets left to your
children may be distributed to them at a time of your choosing, or left in
trust for their lifetimes. Leaving assets in trust for your children can
protect them from their creditors or their ex‑spouses as well as from their own
imprudent spending decisions. At the same time, the assets will be available
for the children's support, maintenance, health, and education.
We also suggest that you each have a Last Will and Testament, a
so-called pour-over will. The Will allows you to designate the Personal
Representative of your estate as well as Guardians for any minor children. A
Will also allows you to waive the necessity for your Personal Representative to
post a bond. The basic function of the pour-over will is to ensure that any
assets not properly titled in your Trusts at death will be poured over to your
trust by your Personal Representative.
Powers of Attorney will be used to accomplish certain tasks. By
signing a Special Durable Power of Attorney you will authorize your spouse to
act on your behalf to transfer property into your Trust or otherwise transact
business for you. This is another safety net, to make sure all property ends up
titled in the Trust.
Most Estate lawyers will also prepare a Health Care Power of
Attorney, to authorize your spouse to make health care decisions for you if you
are unable to do so. Many prefer to avoid extensive life support in the event
of terminal illness, so we also suggest the use of so-called living wills or
medical directives to communicate your preferences to physicians and medical
service providers in advance.
Should you need more of your questions answered regarding these
types of trust or any other, feel free to call me (Paul Lydolph) toll free at
(888) 348-2441. I may also be reached via email at legal@treasuryvault.com.
Emergency Bible Numbers
When in sorrow, call John 14.
When men fail you, call Psalm 27.
If you want to be fruitful, call John 15.
When you have sinned, call Psalm 51.
When you worry, call Matthew 6:19-34.
When you are in danger, call Psalm 91.
When God seems far away, call Psalm 139.
When your faith needs stirring, call Hebrews 11.
When you are lonely and fearful, call Psalm 23.
When you grow bitter and critical, call 1 Cor. 13.
For Paul's secret to happiness, call Col.3:12-17.
For idea of Christianity, call 11 Cor. 5:15-19.
When you feel down and out, call Romans 8:31.
When you want peace and rest, call Matt.11:25-30.
When the world seems bigger than God, call Psalm
When you leave home for labor or travel, call
Psalm 121.
Your prayers growth narrow and selfish, call Psalm
For a great invention/opportunity, call Isaiah 55.
When you want courage for a task, call Joshua 1.
How to get along with fellow men, call Romans 12.
When you think of investments/returns, call Mark
If you are depressed, call Psalm 27.
If your pocketbook is empty, call Psalm 37.
If you're losing confidence in people, call 1 Cor.
If people seem unkind, call John 15.
If discouraged about your work, call Psalm 126.
If you find the world growing small and yourself
great, call Psalm 19.
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