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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Love +

It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.~ Rene Descartes

Let’s meet the challenge.  God’s scheme of thing to live every minute of every day in faith, goodness and love. 
Psalm 122:6 "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee.".


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Reader: "I feel we all need to understand why the Dinar is important."
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 23-May-2012 15:44:28

(Thanks, G. :)
Reader Gunny writes (and I'll respond, following):
Dear Hobie,
I feel we all need to understand why the Dinar is important.
I only recently and somewhat vaguely realize what it means for the PP programs, new currency, End of Fed, etc.
Maybe one of your more learned Agents like Mr. Ed or yourself would like to fill us all in a bit deeper if you have time.
This is Important and most everyone (Old Readers and New alike) might appreciate all the ramifications.
God Bless,
Seattle, USA
(hobie here.) Sure. :) I've explained this multiple times already, particularly when someone has written to complain about my posting the dinarguru information - but, one more time:
What we're expecting is not simply "revaluation of the Iraqi dinar" but "revaluation of 165 national currencies", any moment now.
This appears to be an aspect of what folks have long referred to as the "Global Settlements", a settling of accounts and balancing of the books among the nations.
That settling of accounts appears to be part of or prefatory to the introduction of new currencies and a new banking system - that is, the end of the Federal Reserve as we've known it, and the dethroning of the people who have been in control of it.
The end of the Federal Reserve further implies the end of the Infernal Revenoo Circus and of Corp. US, and a return to Constitutionality in America with similar changes around the world.
Pause and let all that sink in for a moment. :)
If we're coming to the end of Corp. US, we may be about to see the "mass arrests" spoken of by Drake and others.
With the revaluation of so many currencies all at once, it's impossible to know ahead of time what the on-the-street purchasing power of any of those currencies will be. However, it appears the valuation of the Iraqi dinar was artificially reduced at the time of Bush's invasion - so in that sense it has more room for its valuation to rise, now, than might be expected.
The new banking system, not involving fiat money and not debt-based, will need something to be based on - and apparently it's the wealth represented by the "prosperity programs" that will be that basis and that will "prime the pump" for the new banking.
We're keeping an eye on the Iraqi dinar situation because it's "the tip of the iceberg" for all the rest.

Bulldog Update -- OOM Chat

[Bulldog75] 6:51pm CST: It's Good to see You. All information is Green and Go. We are looking marvelously good; Que Bueno. Let us remember that the many years of anticipation has led us to the last few days, hours, minutes.

 We have remained positive and faithful. Let us receive our Manna, for we are blessed and highly favored. Those who believe will receive. We are open to and express our connection with God qualitites.

We then become more prosperous in Mind, Body & Spirit. For what we perceive, ...we then receive. What we resist, ...persists. Let us resist nothing but welcome God's : Love, Light, Happiness, Wealth, Health and Prosperity. We are about to receive from the Grace of God now the Prosperity meant for His Children, the Chosen, and the World Economy.

 Let us remember that 10% of the Grosss amount goes to His Kingdom, for we believe what we give, comes back to us 40-1000 X times in Blessings. Amen. And this is so. Let us rejoice. Let our Light Shine Forever in His Kingdom for He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Faith can move mountains. The currencies come now Re=valued to shower the World with Blessings from above. For the time is Now and We Believe.

Proverbs - According to 6year olds

Mary taught first grade.  She had a class of twenty-five adorable 6yr olds.  One day Mary gave each child the first half of a well known proverb and asked them to write in the remainder of the proverb.  It's hard to believe these were actually done by first graders.  While reading the results, keep in mind that these are only first graders, just 6 years olds.

No news is............................ impossible.

Love all, trust....................... me.

An idle mind is....................... the best way to relax.

Strike while the...................... bug is close.

Better late than...................... pregnant.

A penny saved is...................... not much.

Don't change horses................... until they stop running.

A miss is as good as a ............... Mr.

Happy is the bride who................ gets all the presents.

Two's company, three's................ the Musketeers.

Don't bite the hand that.............. looks dirty.

It’s always darkest before............ Daylight Saving Time.

There are none so blind as ........... Stevie Wonder.

Where there's smoke there's .......... pollution.

The pen is mightier than the.......... pigs.

If at first you don't succeed......... get new batteries.

When the blind lead the blind ........ get out of the way!

Children should be seen and not ...... spanked or grounded.

You can't teach an old dog new ....... math.

Don't put off till tomorrow what...... you put on to go to bed.

Ira Israel    Psychothérapeute

Tools for Creating a Meaningful Life
Posted: 05/22/2012 8:40 am
I have many clients -- mostly artists, musicians, filmmakers and writers -- who come to me with existential questions. For them, I compiled a list of tools for creating a meaningful life:
10. BE A CITIZEN OF THE WORLD. Know as much as possible about what is going on in world, such as how many people will die today, how many people will be tortured by fellow human beings today, how many people will go to sleep hungry tonight, how many people will receive inadequate medical attention today, how many people won't have clean water today, etc.  Being a citizen of the world means not taking the privileges and freedoms we enjoy for granted.
9. BE POLITICAL. Voting is a privilege, not a right.  Every vote counts.  Your voice counts.  There is no possible excuse for being apathetic about politics.  We live in a representative democracy; representatives are hired and employed by you and me to represent our beliefs.  Once you get an idea of how other countries operate, you will understand what a great privilege this is. 
8. CULTIVATE YOUR SENSE OF WONDER. There is no end to the beauty, splendor and majesty to be found in the world.  Most people don't prioritize finding things to be passionate about or inspired by; they claim that they "don't have the time" or "will do it later."  There is only today, right now: If you always wanted to learn how to play the piano, understand opera, take a hike, learn to snorkel -- whatever -- do it today. Devote time every day to exploring your passions and potential new interests.
7. RELEASE THE FUTURE -- release expectations, don't be goal oriented, and enjoy the process.  Often the only thing that seems to count is the end result; we seldom appreciate the process.  We tend to nonchalantly discuss our accomplishments but rarely speak about the processes, other than that we "worked hard" to achieve what we achieved (since "working hard" is an admirable quality in our culture).  Learn to accept and enjoy life today and not make extreme sacrifices for some potential future goal that may not ever arrive.
6. RELEASE THE PAST.  Our scientific methods seek causality and psychology often inadvertently seeks blame. The blame game pays remarkable dividends for a limited time but if our identity and self-worth hover around positively- or negatively-charged events that occurred in the past then we are not being present and not able to show up authentically for our current relationships. 
5. CULTIVATE EMPATHY AND LOVING KINDNESS. There is zero long-term benefit to being selfish, evil, greedy, or insolent.  Compassion for all sentient beings -- as we learned in the childhood adage, "Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you" -- is actually the only rational way of acting in the world if you intend to create a meaningful life.
4. CULTIVATE EQUANIMITY, MINIMIZE DRAMA, DON'T BE REACTIVE.  At the end of the day, no matter how much immature glee we derive from drama, drama is ultimately toxic.  We may lose our tempers occasionally.  But once we realize that we have the choice to deliver our messages with compassion or attached to nuclear warheads, the choice in gaining our desired results becomes clear.
3. BE AUTHENTIC.  Don't buy into a lifestyle.  Don't be a consumer.  Don't try to attain putative status through symbols. Be conscious of distractions and realize their subtle propensity to become afflictions and addictions. 
2. BE GRATEFUL.  In some way, if you are reading this you are already living in abundance.  You can breathe, you can see, you can read, you can comprehend, you can think, you can make choices, you can appreciate, you can be passionate, you can experience emotions... the list of things to be grateful for is infinite no matter how challenging our life situations may seem.
1. SERVE OTHERS.  The most precise tool for creating a meaningful life is certainly being of service to others. Whether it's volunteering to read to blind people, helping a family build a home, fixing somebody's flat tire, supporting someone who's battling an addiction, or teaching your children how to paint, being of service helps us get out of our egos and realize the common bonds that unite all human beings: we all have strengths and weaknesses; we are interdependent creatures; we all could use a helping hand and a compassionate ear once in a while; and we all need healthy and loving connections with other people. When you learn to serve others selflessly you tap into the inner goodness and love buried beneath your ego and protective facade. The joy of putting a smile on another person's face is by far the most precious thing you'll experience in this lifetime.


The sun shines brightly on the land of the free and the bold 

And the cattle grow fat on the green grassy knolls.
The wheat sways in the breeze with long leaves of gold,
And the farmers are leaving, or so I've been told.
The auctioneer's gavel rings out, going once, going twice,
And sold. For you see, it's not only the small family farms,
America is losing; it's her very soul.
The faithful cry out for the America of old,
And Old Glory hangs limp; half way up the old flagpole;
Not for the young expecting mother, who's told to be bold,
But for her tiny aborted baby that's left dead and cold;
While Loving Hands sent to heal and console,
Are rudely rejected with rusty nail holes;
And Holy Words that are given to aid in life's control,
Lay unheeded, on dark dusty shelves, covered with mold.
Hearts that once swelled with pride are now hard and cold.
But you see America; we can save our small family farms,
But, only God can save our soul….[B. Malphurs]

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