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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Waiting stings

LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL:  These days are just longer and longer.  Seeking the light.  Celebrating the 4th of July will take some of the sting of waiting away.  Just nothing of news worth posting but will share a couple of things.  UNTIL TOMORROW............THE GATEKEEPER. 
He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.~ Albert Einstein

   Greetings and Salutations;

        June was busy month for weirdness, the skies have been filled
with anomalies all over the world. The earth is being monitored at
this critical juncture in time and transition. Disbelief in et's
doesn't make them go away.
        All over this world, by different people and groups, folks
have held prophecies and writings for the 'end times'. When the big
universal clock turns, stuff happens. No amount of praying to make it
'your way' does any good. This transition is reaching deep into the
financial world as evidenced by what's in the news, the explanations
vary, but change is there non the less. How about europe all the
sudden, solving their problem and anybody shorting the euro, lost a
bundle. Justice Roberts even flipped the script, against a bet.
Universal health care is coming to america, like it not. The money
will not keep going to the top. No gov can sustain itself by making
its populace top heavy. Rome is the most recent example. Only fair
ness works....duh.

        How can you call yourself a christian and not follow what the
master said about taking care of the 'least'. There are principles of
nature that even effect govs, greed will get you in the end. The st
germain trust exists because it's intention was always to shift the
wealth of the world from the greedy to those in need and make life's
principles real for the common folk. Nature will always make a balance
and no amount of politics can change that. They joined withe the
dragons because their purpose was the same. The elders joined them
both for the same reason. They could see the eddies of time moving to
the big shift and they have 'age' on most. They broke the code on
longevity and have lived accordingly ever since. The secret is
'attitude adjustment'. Change your mind, change your life. Take
ownership of your own crap. Man, it is time to end serfdom for the
masses. The lords are being whupped big time, from the top and not a
thing they can do about it, they borrowed and failed to pay back, the
casino has been foreclosed upon.

        Because I watch Bloomberg in the wee hours of the night, I
frequently see things happening before they hit us shores. Last week's
delay appeared to be named merkel, she's still hanging on to that
master race bs. She wants nothing to interfere with that plan, tho
things already have. Big surprise, Aryans were not 'white'. She was
told to her face, that concept was not going to fly in the new system.
Ahh cockroaches are cockroaches, and they will die being that, like
her cousin, still trying to dazzle the populace with manipulation in
the us. That's ok, you will know who's been 'working' you for years
and as hoped you will never allow them back into a position of power
again. Many retired military officers know the bottom line and are
fully on board with restoring the constitution to it's rightful place.
It's already been done but you need to hear the 'announcements' to
verify it for you. There's been ongoing arrests in the us, but it's
been mostly lower rankers, not commander cockroach him self yet. But
he knows the Raid is coming and that seems to be upon us all. Don't be
shocked or amazed, secretly you've suspected for some time, anyhow.

        Things have been moving and testimony has reached me. The
masses are next, you and me. Hold your powder and don't fire til you
see the whites of the couriers' eyes. True independence is coming to a
town near you. It'll start small, then become huge. One foot in front
of the other, walk into the future and don't look'll get
turned into a pillar of salt...lololol. It's all over but the shoutin'
don't know the 'moment' all flips on it's head but it's close enough
to smell. Be well and take care of yourselves, be good to one another.
This has been poofness, over and out. Broadcasting from the Phoenix.

        Love and Kisses,

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