LOVE & LIGHT TO ALL: Peace begins
with a smile. Only God knows our true needs. A smile is the light in your
window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. As everyone continues in confusion of
happenings around this transaction, there is one true fact. Your belief in the path and journey we have
chosen. Continue in your prayers and
smile for just the opportunity afforded us in this potential funding and the
ability to provide our talents and sharing the love, making this world a better
place. UNTIL TOMORROW…………..
Posted: 12 Jul 2012 02:20 PM PDT
Nomenclature of Financial Thievery
"I don't
understand, where does all this come from? How do you get funding for
something like this?"
"You don't actually
think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?"
-From the movie, Independence Day, an exchange between the
President and a civilian when the President enters Area 51 for the first time
after the alien invasion.
“Where does all (that
money) come from?” We are on a quest to uncover the trail of
deceit, deception, corruption and thievery in the financial arena. Where does
the money come from, where has it gone, and what is it being used for?
The answer to that question could be the biggest secret of our time.
But let us begin to connect the dots with some background on the methods used
to steal from the people to finance the NWO.
Lord James started the ball rolling on February 16th in London’s House of Lords. We’re going to pick up the trail from there and bring it forward. It cannot be said enough that Lord James took a historic and brave step in revealing to the world the corrupted underbelly of the financial system. History, real history, will record Lord David James of Blackheath as a hero for humanity. This fact cannot be emphasized enough. There is a time to step forward and be counted and Lord James came up all aces. Who will join him?
The issue in the House of
Lords relates to a split in which one side advocates a full and complete
investigation into the matter while the other side has issued a “D” notice to
the United Kingdom media. A “D” notice is essentially an order to NOT print
information on a certain subject matter, in this case, the speech made by
Lord James, the ensuing investigations, and the far-reaching ramifications,
unless you want political hell to be brought down upon you. The nature of our
information will rock political dynasties and banking empires, when
revealed. Censorship has now reached the UK as the effort continues to
keep this information out of the mainstream media. The media being
primarily controlled by the Bush Cabal through the efforts of the Bilderbergs
and Rupert Murdoch. However, with so much attention on the crumbling
world financial system, secrets are starting to emerge. Can the cabal
keep a lid on all of this? Not if we, and our readers, have anything to
say about it.
We are embarking on a
journey that will not only explain what Lord James referred to in his speech,
but will follow the money trail to its destination, exposing not only the
objective of this theft and money laundering operation but its dire effects
on the planet. Our destination is the murky world of black projects and 2012.
As Lord James stood bravely
in the House of Lords and delivered his speech, he referred to certain
documents that he possessed. These documents provide one example of the
methods by which the ruling cabal finances its criminal enterprise, intending
the total domination of planet Earth. These same documents have been
submitted to the U.S. House and Senate in addition to all law enforcement
agencies having the capability to arrest and prosecute these corrupt
criminals. Yet, nothing has been done. Why? Perhaps because the same
“controllers” own the same Senate, House, law enforcement and judiciary with
the authority to stop and prosecute these crimes against humanity, and
amazingly, not only in the United States, but in Europe, the United Kingdom
and the rest of the G7 countries. Yes, we have confirmed the
leadership of the G7 are up to their eyeballs in all of this but we will save
that revelation for a future report.
When you are bought and paid
for, you serve your Masters, not the slaves who elect you to office.
Add to this the complicit and controlled mainstream news media and what
results is a very well conceived, well run scam on the public and betrayal of
our respective nations, rights and freedoms.
Trading Programs
We have referred to trading
programs in prior reports without providing explicit information regarding
these financial transactions. They are Medium Term Note (MTNs) transactions
which are designed to raise funds for industrial, infrastructure and
humanitarian projects around the world and which, like everything else in the
financial sector, have been perverted and diverted to the greedy, unscrupulous
aims and objectives of the cabal. When you are in charge of the financial
system you have a license to steal. And the Federal Reserve has developed it
into a Major League art form of chicanery. These trading programs are
conducted in secret, run by the Federal Reserve and done on a colossal scale
in vast trillions through banks outside the United States. What is
required is an investor with a minimum of 100 million dollars to enter into a
contract with the Federal Reserve. The money is leveraged up to 6 times or
more, and is used as enhanced capital for the buying and selling of MTN’s
(medium term notes) with profits split between the investor, the Federal
Reserve and the project to be funded. As Lord James said, the profits
can be between 20 and 30% per day compounded. That equates to over 100% per
week for those in the know! These funds route out via numerous Tax Havens
with no taxes paid to benefit or aid society.
The FBI will tell you these
are scams. So will the Justice Department, SEC, Dept. of the Treasury and
whole host of other financial “watchdogs.” They call them, “high yield
investment programs”, “prime bank programs” and “roll programs” to recite
just a few. And they will try to convince the general public that these
transactions are nothing more than scammers perpetrating fraud on
unsuspecting investors in the form of a Ponzi scheme. Are they are just
plain lying about these well known transactions to cover their fraud, or are
they acting as damage control and gatekeepers in keeping the real story from
the public. If so, they are heavily complicit in money laundering, conspiracy
and fraud. If you are an investor in these programs you sign a strict
non-disclosure agreement with the Federal Reserve (aka banking system) in
which you are then at risk of them stealing your funds if you disclose any of
the information regarding the transaction. We can think of no better
incentive to encourage the investors to keep their mouths shut and enjoy the
enormous profits made. After all, they would not risk a large sum of
money only to squander it by going off the reservation and talking about
their fortunes made.
But what if the “system”
steals it anyway? Then the investor has little to lose by disclosing the
crooked trade situation. At that point the system put the investor into
no mans land by declaring the disgruntled investor onto the black list.
Enter Yohannes Riyadi, the
wealthy (on paper only) Indonesian businessman referred to by Lord James in
his historic speech delivered on “White Thursday”. Mr. Riyadi is one
such innocent victim who was ruthlessly defrauded of vast billions of dollars
and who now has no incentive to keep the truth from being exposed.
The documents and contract
held in Lord James’ hand while he made his speech was, in fact, a REAL, 100%
bang to rights, US Treasury and Federal Reserve trading program
contract. This contract (titled “Project Funding Agreement”) was
entered into on March 10, 2003 between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal
Reserve Bank (FRB) of New York. The contract was signed by Mr. Riyadi
and Alan Greenspan (as Chairman) and Roger Ferguson (as Vice Chairman) of the
FRB. Among the witnesses to attest to the contract were Timothy Geithner and
Yusuke Horiguchi for the IMF with Paul O’Neill’s (then Secretary of the
Treasury) signature utilized for acknowledgement.
The profit split was
designated as 60% to Riyadi as the investor, 20% to the US Federal Reserve,
and 20% to Bank of Indonesia. Since then that fund has been mass
compounded into vast Trillions.
Now you know why trading
programs are such a well kept secret.
Yohannes Riyadi had a
legally binding contractual promise to pay him $500M USD on signature of
contract and 60% of all profits accrued. He was coerced into pledging his
assets by a combined US Treasury and FRB New York team. It was a complete
“Bait and Switch” operation. They used the credibility of the US Treasury to
give him confidence.
He signed a contract with
them undertaking to pay him $500M USD on acceptance of the contract. It
was switched to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He never received
a dollar. They reneged on him and stole his $500M. We have confirmation
from the now Deputy President of Indonesia that it was all real and
confirmation of Riyadi’s account being denied by the Fed.
Mr. Riyadi entered into his
contract in good faith and with genuine intent. When he tried to use his US
Federal Reserve Treasury Checks to fund genuine Hospital Projects, he was
denied from day one. They lied to him and set him up with callous
intent. HSBC and other banks used his US Treasury Check Safe
Keeping Receipts (SKRs) to underpin the issuance of Certificates of Deposits
or Bank Guarantees that facilitate MORE MTN Trading Program platforms and
profits, creating ever greater Ponzi money debts in a spiral of greed.
Unfortunately, Riyadi was
coerced into a cross association with notorious con man Wilfredo Saurin, a US
Federal Reserve Bank of New York protected Fraudster. Saurin has
wantonly racketeered the papers all over the planet in numerous up-front fee
scams, protected by Homeland Security as evidenced in this colossal
Pureheart-Fed operation.
This was how they
underpinned the $15 Trillion of US Debt to issue the SWIFTS with inter Bank
conspirators involved to fraudulently cover up imminent black holes in the US
and EU banking systems, with their cross firing scams. This was all a
cosmetic smokescreen to maintain the illusion of probity for a long since
bankrupt economy and insolvent banks.
The $15 Trillion fraud was
perpetrated by the Federal Reserve through the banking system with a private
entity, Pureheart Investments, Ltd., the recipient (further credit) of the
funds. The 15 trillion dollar question is why would the Federal Reserve
fraudulently transfer this vast sum of money to a private corporation? A
private corporation registered in a foreign country. And what is so
important that the Federal Reserve would perpetrate fraud of this magnitude?
What is this money used for? To further perpetrate this fraud, they
created false SWIFT statements for 750,000 metric tons of gold to underpin
the asset backing for their bogus SWIFTS to create false money ($15T).
We are attaching correspondence from the Bank of Indonesia acknowledging the
700 metric tons of gold owned by Riyadi, NOT the 750,000 metric tons claimed
by the Fed to support the fraudulent wire transfers to Pureheart Investments,
Now the Lords have the following questions to address, among
Lord Sassoon, having so
clearly denounced the $15T; will you resign your position as the Treasury
link once we show where it is? This happened on your watch! Due
to your attitude, we think you have your ticket. What do you say?
Lord Stephen Green will you
admit to a Lords committee that YOU were THE key banking conspirator who
helped set it all up with Rossier and McCall while Chairman of HSBC. Will The
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), which makes only 3 Billion profit, explain to
Parliament how they repaid 163 Billion to the Government with no Book records
to explain it? Flat out, count on the fact he got a ticket from the
very beginning...Major player!!
Will RBS explain how much of
the $15T they still control?
Will Jaime Dimon, Chairman
of the Board of Directors at JP Morgan/Chase, admit to having at least half
of the 15T ending up in his bank. This is the same man that is a
player in the silver futures market and tells the Brits that he is a good
guy. This scumbag is a ticket fact, he probably stole a
Will Lord Green explain if
the Prime Minister at the time knew of these events? We know
he's strange how we found out, guess who weaseled his way in to get
a ticket?
Will Lord Triesman explain
why MI6 has failed to act? Will Lord Triesman resign for his
participation in the cover-up? Another ticket taker? HMMM! OUCH?!?!?!?
As this money would save the
EU, why is it not being investigated? Will Rossier testify to Congress? Will
Rossier come to the UK and face arrest for fraud? Will Bush Sr., Bush Jr.,
and President Obama explain all the KGB and Russian trading links with
Pureheart, a Homeland Security Entity? Why is General Rossier, a US Military
General, trading with Russian KGB Generals? Isn't there a law
against this - where is the US Senate and Congress when needed! OOPS, they
have their tickets too! Can Bush Jr. explain why he met Putin at the
ranch in Texas and why he met Medvedev at Camp David? Where are all of
Pureheart’s funds now? Under what name and from where is Pureheart trading
So now we have the answer to
the President’s question in the movie, Independence Day, as to where the
funding originates for SECRET PROJECTS like Area 51. The answer: It is
stolen from people like Riyadi, leveraged and traded through programs that
are neither regulated nor transparent. Once it goes behind the screens
and off balance sheet, it is then multiplied a hundredfold and funneled to
private entities to fund projects like Area 51, Dulce, chemtrails, reverse
engineering of alien technology and a whole host of other projects out of
public view.
“Do you have your ticket
Our history is replete with
warnings regarding this fraud. President Dwight Eisenhower said in his
farewell speech to the nation, “In the councils of government, we must guard
against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought,
by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist." What has it all been used for?
Now we understand that he
was not kidding. He provided the warning shot across the bow … and
Prophetic words that now haunt our very existence.
To even the most casual
observer, it’s apparent that something is terribly wrong. The masses continue
to lose jobs and income, while the ruling class continues to get rich and
demand more of our freedoms and rights. For what purpose and to what
To explain, let us use the
“evolution” of automobiles. In the early 1900’s when cars were first created,
the development of pistons, transmissions, camshafts, and carburetors were
integral to their operation. In other words, they ran on gasoline. After 100
years, we have satellite radio and GPS systems and power everything and yet,
we’ve still got to put gas in a vehicle that, by all measures, is an
antique….a relic, something that should be a distant memory in our technology
evolution. And yet, we’re still beholden to the elite and to their
energy industry, an industry that continually raises the cost of oil and gas
to chip away at our dwindling disposable income. Our cars still use gasoline
and yet our government is reverse-engineering actual space craft propulsion
which operates on systems thousand of years more advanced than our gas
guzzling autos. And so while we continue to pay for the research and
development of advanced energy models and technology, that research is being
used by the elite….the cabal…the NWO…to take control of our lives. It is all
done in secrecy. It is all done with our MONEY. And it is all done to the
detriment of humankind.
The question you need to ask yourself is…..WHOSE SIDE ARE THEY
Truth Posse
The response to our call for assistance in the form of the “Truth Posse” has been overwhelming. Your comments and emails indicate a willingness to stand beside us in the fight for survival. Therefore, our call for action will include the following:
Send our reports to friends,
acquaintances, elected politicians and your local media. Documents were
provided with reports #37 and #41. More documents will be forthcoming.
Send them far and wide.
Encourage friends, family,
acquaintances and anyone else you meet to come forward with information
regarding: (1) the construction, maintenance and location of underground
bases; (2) the reverse engineering of alien technology; (3) genetic
experimentation; (4) HAARP and weather manipulation; (5) suppression and/or
theft of free energy patents and ideas.
Take pictures and videos of
underground base locations and conduct interviews with participants. Then
send them to us.
Form community groups in
your areas and assign Team Leaders to coordinate activities to utilize
background, information and contacts of each member. Spread the word
and recruit as many like-minded citizens as possible. Implement items 1 thru
3 above and send us your data. We will include it in future reports with
appropriate credit.
The more people we inform, the stronger we will become.
We have endeavored to follow
the money no matter where the trail leads us. We realize that some of you
will not want to believe, entertain, or even consider some of the concepts,
facts and events that we will report on in the near future. That is a
personal choice that you can exercise in the form of free will. We, however,
feel morally compelled to disclose what we know to be true, so that whatever
the future holds, it cannot be said the White Hats knew but did not
inform. What you choose to do with the information is up to each of
The next series of reports
will transition to Pureheart Investments, LTD. This is the Homeland Security
front company and cabal money laundering operation that received the $15T
that Lord James exposed back in February. We will take you through the
process of formation and operations, including names, places, “deals”,
alliances, objectives and achievements. The money factor will be a
theme constantly woven through our exposures as it is the necessary catalyst
to make it all work.
“Do you have your ticket yet?”
To save and
revitalize an important part of Texas history, we are turning the largest outdoor
movie set in the world into a western-themed attraction on thousands of acres,
a destination that captures the essence of the most romantic period in American
history that enlightens, educates, entertains, and is a humanitarian project
for people and animals alike. Amusement
rides, water parks and video arcades lack the emotional appeal of the American
cowboy. Children need a cowboy hero with
strong values, decent morals and impeccable integrity. Without a doubt, there is a great need for
authentic, safe places where children cannot only develop their imagination,
but experience our nation’s founding principles of hard work, respect and
honesty. Alamo Village and Ranch is a
place where American ideals of heroism, character and family values are a way
of life.
The Treasures Inside
A man was exploring caves by the seashore. In one of the caves he found a
canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled
clay balls and left them out in the sun to bake.

He thought little about it, until he dropped one of the clay balls and it
cracked open on a rock. Inside was a beautiful, precious stone!
Excited, the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls. Each
contained a similar treasure. He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in
the 20 or so clay balls he had left. Then it struck him.
He had been on the beach a long time. He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the
clay balls with their hidden treasure into the ocean waves. Instead of
thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of thousands,
but he had just thrown it away!
It's like that with people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, and
we see the external clay vessel. It doesn't look like much from the outside. It
isn't always beautiful or sparkling, so we discount it. We see that person as
less important than someone more beautiful or stylish or well known or wealthy.
But we have not taken the time to find the treasure hidden inside that person.
There is a treasure in each and every one of us. If we take the time to
get to know that person, and if we ask God to show us that person the way He
sees them, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant gem begins to
shine forth.
May we not come to the end of our lives and find out that we have thrown
away a fortune in friendships because the gems were hidden in bits of clay. May
we see the people in our world as God sees them.
July 13, 2012 Restore America
A segment of the O’Reilly Report yesterday lamented that a teen who
blows the whistle on his cheating peers will be ostracized and kicked
out of school, observing that there is ”no moral code”
anymore in our schools. They concluded, correctly, with the question,
“What does this say about our society?” Further, we might ask, what does it say when Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, refuses to provide documents to Congress that could prove he lied under oath, about “Fast and Furious” and is then held in contempt of Congress…with no consequences?
FBI Director Louis Freeh, in his report yesterday on who was responsible for the moral debacle at Penn State, verbally indicted top Penn State officials including their President, his executive staff, and Joe Paterno, their legendary coach, saying, “When wrongdoing occurs, everyone has the responsibility to blow the whistle.“
Does that responsibility include Eric Holder and the President of the United States? Do they have a responsibility to blow the whistle when wrongdoing ocurs, or do they get a special dispensation to shove it under the rug as did Joe Paterno, his coaching staff and the President of Penn State? I think not, but unlike the Watergate Scandal, the media, has given another ‘pass’ to their beloved leader. Like Joe Paterno, he can do no wrong.
What does it say about our society, about us, our educational system, and our elected officials, when the President of the United States and his Attorney General are both given a ‘pass’ to conceal evidence by resorting to so called “executive privilege” to protect himself and his Attorney General from the consequences of their decisions?
Apparently, when ‘wrongdoing occurs’ NO ONE has any ‘responsibility to blow the whistle’ anymore, be it the President of the United States, his Attorney General, the President of a major University, his executive staff nor those who coach and set an example for our young men and women. Whatever is expedient to protect ourselves, is the new law of the land, a ‘fast and furious’ road to lawlessness and tyranny.
We wouldn’t want our young people to be corrupted by our example now would we! But that is just what we are doing!
And then there is the Episcopal Church which on July 10th “approved a liturgy for the blessing of same-sex unions” in direct contradiction to the very clear teachings of the Scriptures they say are the foundation of their faith.
What does all this say about our contemporary society, particularly the so called “adult” community across the nation?
Clearly, our problems in America are not students, or young people in general, but ‘adult delinquents’ in government and without, who choose the law of expedience rather than those outdated and ancient laws George Washington called the ‘eternal rules of order and right.’
“If the foundations are destroyed, what shall the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3
A good start would be the removal of adult delinquents from positions of authority and influence, starting on November 6th.
Before your dreams can come true,
you have to have those dreams. Joyce Brothers
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