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Saturday, July 14, 2012


LOVE & LIGHT TO ALL:  Hope you are enjoying the Spotlight on Projects.  The projects with web pages are being posted in alphabetical order each day.  If you have recently produced web pages, be sure to let us know.  Or if you design a post about your project, would be delighted to consider publishing for you.  Why not have everyone know your project and/or service?  Let other project principals realize what you have and will share.  Spread the knowledge and good will.  There is one project we developed, Universal School Services, which assists those projects with education programs and has no one with the expertise to create and design the school and curriculum.  Our Chancellor has experience worldwide in establishing American schools. More than anything else, an education program that encompasses the mind, body and spirit. Since most projects are multi-facet and include sustainability, be aware that somewhere in this enormous pool of talent, you may find help you need.  Consider these areas that might be of interest:   Aquaphonics (food), water, energy, transportation, communication, waste management, security, housing and medical to name just a few.                                       UNTIL TOMORROW…………….


"For I the LORD your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, Fear not; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

SoonerPatriot:  We are near the end on this endeavor. I know it’s been said many times before. But there are certain events that have taken place over the last few days that make this time different than any of those times before. Back in January, when many gurus were falsely calling go/no-go decision points in the release process as the RV, it was only because they didn’t understand that part of the process. But as time has progressed, we’ve learned some of the nuances of this beast and we have learned a lot about how this complex process is being put together. The PTBs have been very secretive and even now, there is so much we don’t know about what has happened behind the curtains. That’s why there have been so many false positives, so many times the intel providers have cried wolf. It wasn’t that they enjoyed seeing everyone’s reactions. They have seen events take place that they thought meant it was time, and several times it’s been an eyelash from happening. With that in mind, several intel providers have seen very positive things the past few days that have all of us on alert. We know we are close, but there is no way of knowing exactly when it will happen. I wish I could say it is within an hour or that we’ll be in the banks on this day. Unfortunately, the complexity of this endeavor prohibits any of us outside the inner circle from accurately projecting the timing or the rates. All I can tell you tonight is, many indicators that we intel providers look for are pointing in a very positive way, there are no known negatives, and no known holdups. We are near the conclusion of this quest.

BUILDING HUMANITY FOUNDATION:  Global projects in six countries include:  India, Uganda, Indonesia, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, and Sri Lanka are designed to provide homes, schools, medical facilities, plus associated infrastructure (e. g., power generation and distribution, clean water and waste water treatment, roads), for some of the world’s poorest nations.  One prime objective is to create economic self-sustainability via adult training centers and micro financing.  The Caribbean countries projects include Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & Grenadines and Trinidad & Tobago.  Each of 45 villages (minimum of two in each country) will be constructed in coordination with national & local government officials.  21,420 houses, 45 schools & 45 medical facilities will be constructed using a hurricane resistant system and will accommodate 128,520 people.  Will employ approximately 6,800 people.


Wall Street Sleaze Keeps Growing

"Just when you thought Wall Street couldn't sink any lower - when its excesses are still causing hardship to millions of Americans and its myriad abuses of public trust have already spread a miasma of cynicism over the entire economic system - an even deeper level of public-be-damned greed and corruption is revealed."

Over the years many have said about my analysis "The banksters are way too powerful to EVER be taken out." and "There is nothing that can stop them so why bother." And yet month after month, year after year I continue to prove that there is not only a HOPE of removing the banksters BUT A PLAN TO DO IT.

I am not some crazy gold bug who predicts the end of the world everyday with a story filled with doom and gloom. And I am not a Nostradamus who sees the future and reports on what they see. I am a researcher, an analyst and pretty good at developing future scenarios based on what is happening today. That is what I have done and my conclusions are very, very positive for our future.

We will take down the banksters. We will erase all evils from our monetary system. We will have a global "reallocation" of wealth in the form of gold and silver coin used as money. We will be free again.

Robert Reich does a good job at the end of his article in pointing out that being negative and succumbing to the despair of the time does not help our cause. It even invites it to become a self-fulfilling prophesy!

"When it comes to Wall Street and the financial sector in general, most of us suffer outrage fatigue combined with an overwhelming cynicism that nothing will ever be done to stop these abuses because the Street is too powerful. But that fatigue and cynicism are self-fulfilling; nothing will be done if we succumb to them."

"The alternative is to be unflagging and unflinching in our demand that Glass-Steagall be reinstituted and the biggest banks be broken up. The question is whether the unfolding Libor scandal will provide enough ammunition and energy to finally get the job done."

Very soon YOU will be asked to stand up and FIGHT for your freedom.
 Bix Weir

How Rich People Are Taking Over America

 ROBERT REICH one of the nation’s leading experts on work and the economy, is Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton.
Who’s buying our democracy? Wall Street financiers, the Koch brothers, and casino magnates Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn.  And they’re doing much of it in secret.
It’s a perfect storm:
The greatest concentration of wealth in more than a century — courtesy “trickle-down” economics, Reagan and Bush tax cuts, and the demise of organized labor.
Combined with…
Unlimited political contributions — courtesy of Republican-appointed Justices Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Thomas, and Kennedy, in one of the dumbest decisions in Supreme Court history, “Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission,” along with lower-court rulings that have expanded it.
Combined with…
Complete secrecy about who’s contributing how much to whom — courtesy of a loophole in the tax laws that allows so-called non-profit “social welfare” organizations to accept unlimited contributions for hard-hitting political ads.
Put them all together and our democracy is being sold down the drain.
With a more equitable and traditional distribution of wealth, far more Americans would have a fair chance of influencing politics. As the great jurist Louis Brandeis once said, “we can have a democracy or we can have great wealth in the hands of a comparative few, but we cannot have both.”
Alternatively, inequality wouldn’t be as much of a problem if we had strict laws limiting political spending or, at the very least, disclosing who was contributing what. 
But we have an almost unprecedented concentration of wealth and unlimited political spending and secrecy. 
I’m not letting Democrats off the hook. Democratic candidates are still too dependent on Wall Street casino moguls and real casino magnates (Steve Wynn has been a major contributor to Harry Reid, for example). George Soros and a few others have poured big bucks into Democratic coffers. So have a handful of trade unions. 
But make no mistake. Compared to what the GOP is doing this year, Democrats are conducting a high-school bake sale. The mega-selling of American democracy is a Republican invention, and Romney and the GOP are its major beneficiaries.

And the losers aren’t just Democrats. They’re the American people.  You need to make a ruckus. Don’t fall into the seductive trap of cynicism. That’s what the sellers of American democracy are counting on. If you give up on our system of government, they win everything.  

This coming Monday, for example, the Senate has scheduled a cloture vote on the DISCLOSE ACT, which would at least require that outfits like the Chamber of Commerce and Karl Rove’s “Crossroads GPS” disclose who’s contributing what. Contact your senators, and have your friends and relatives in other states — especially those with Republican senators (who have been united in their opposition to disclosure) — contact theirs. If the DISCLOSE ACT is voted down, hold accountable those senators (and, when and if it gets to the House, those House members) who are selling out our democracy for the sake of their own personal ambitions.

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